Peace by Piece – Final Post

Quote 1: “We need to work even harder to ensure peace”

Quote 2: “It is the individual that matters”

Quote 3: “The camera is mightier than the sword”


The advice I had was to look at more design oriented elements and not make the piece wordier than it had to be.


This demonstrates peace by piece by showing the fitting of an X and a peace symbol together. It also demonstrates the inherent collaboration between UWCSEA and TED by combining their colours.


Day 1 – Designing a TEDX Logo

Client Specification

Research – Research was very useful in this process, because almost all of my design was based solely off of the research I had done last time on how to use pages in designing. This allowed me a much greater degree of customisation in my design and I could create what I had truly envisioned. Research was also useful in getting the official colours of the TEDX logos, to make sure that my logo was correct by their usual standards.

Teaching Myself – The most important and complicated thing I learnt today was how to use the HEX and RGB colour systems to find exact colours when getting my pages logos set up. This was very useful for getting my colours correct.

One Thing I learnt from a Peer – Using icon images makes things much easier and allows my design to look much more professional. This will make my design both better and more efficient.

Reflection from Start of Day – My expectations matched that pretty well – I stuck with the plan more or less throughout, going through in order of priority the various client requirements before going through with other self designs.

Peace by Piece – My logo currently doesn’t say much, but I think the fitting pieces on my logo really represents the idea of a solution to a problem one at a time, capturing at least part of the theme of this year’s TEDX UWCSEA.

Peer Design – I think this design really interprets that theme by showing multiple peaces working together to form part of the logo. This captures the whole idea of peace by piece, with many parts forming the whole.

Final Client Header Post

Images of process – First, I decided to get a solid background colour or image that would work for my client. A solid dark grey background worked best according to his colour choices during our interview. After that, I added the words on the header that would fulfill the purpose of the header for the  systems class. After that, I experimented with various framing and overlaying options. After being introduced to the new option of BeFunky, I went through a similar process, but this time chose to use a background image. BeFunky’s template options made the final banner look much better.

Final Image – This demonstrates alignment best. With a clear center and a very balanced, straight piece, alignment is pretty much perfect. To improve it, I would change the text colour to give it slightly more contrast and ease of reading.

Grant’s Talk – Giver – I always tried to give detailed answers to all of the feedback questions for others, even though I didn’t always get the most detailed answers. I would try and make sure they could develop their banner to be even better.

Client Specification – Somewhat – while I didn’t record any predictions, I did have some discussion on the colours and the tone he would prefer in his piece. I need to improve that and specifically record what I thought.

BeFunky – simple but very customisable. Not much else need be said.

Are smart phones making us smarter?

I recently had an interesting discussion about the effect that smartphones were having on the way we think. Here it is. Enjoy!

“So much and yet so little has changed”

“The phone is a powertool – useful but dangerous”

I used to think that smartphones didn’t have that huge an impact on the lives of people and society. After all, to me they didn’t seem that important – all they were were tools that made some tasks more efficient and gave you a little more connectivity. However, now I realise that smartphones have had a huge impact on us as a society, influencing our behaviours all across, and potentially even having lasting effects on our mental health.

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