Empathy & Outrospection

I read the article about what can the art world do to help people who are suffering. Hurricane Dorian has caused more than 30 people’s death and hundreds of people who are currently missing. A lot of artists and art organizations are raising donations and funds to help victims of the incident.

After reading this article, I would place my self between sympathy and compassion on the spectrum. This is because I feel sorry for people who lost their lives and who are still missing during the hurricane Dorian. I know that the victims’ family members must be very upset about the loss of their family members. However, I also feel glad for those people in the art world are willing to stand out and take responsibility to help those people. I am happy to see that people in different parts of the world are delighted to help others instead of stepping away. I would like to know more details of this incident, I would like to know the life of the victims, but I am not going to take actions about this.

I can connect the article that I read to outrospection. When other people are suffering from Hurricane Dorian it makes me feel compassion towards them, it also makes me care about the similar incidents that happened in different parts of the world. It makes me put myself in the victims’ and their families ‘ perspectives, what would they feel after this serious incident, what should they do afterward and how can they seek help to others. By thinking of these questions, I feel like I have a closer emotional bond with them, I can feel how sad they are and how bad life is going to be like. Also, when the artists and organizations are helping the people who are in trouble it helps me to build up my own compassions toward them as well and it encourages me to know more about the situation and maybe take some actions in the future.



Experience in art studio

I join the art studio for season 1 and 2. The art studio meets the learning outcomes of LO1 and LO5.

LO1:  identifying own strength and develop areas for personal growth and demonstrate the skills

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

For the art studio, we meet every Tuesday for 1.5 hours with a group of students with the same passion for art. We can create anything we want in art, there are no limitations, just grab what you need and begin creating!

My purpose to joining this club is I have a passion for art, but I do not choose any art subjects for my IB package, so I think joining the art club is a great opportunity for me to spend some time to do what I am interested in and develop my art skills without spending extra time outside of the school. Also, I like the environment in the art club where a group of students are all focusing on creating their own artwork and we discuss and give feedback to each other. It helps with my collaborative skills as well.

I am looking forward to strengthening my art skills and learning to collaborate with other members of the group because these will benefit me in the long term.

Political Cartoons

In one of Liza Donnelly’s political cartoons, there is one cartoon which is showing a group of men having a meeting, and they ask one of them dressing as a woman to provide the feminist viewpoint.  Liza Donnelly used a humous way to present the man in women’s outfit,  but even though it looks funny, it is revealing a political issue. At that time women usually do not have a job or social status in society. So it is an irony when they want to know women’s opinions but find a man to do that while they can just easily find a woman to do the job.

I think humor can reveal the truth to some extent but not all of them. By using humous ways, it is easier for the audience to absorb and understand the messages that the author wants to deliver, and it also can leave a deeper impression on the audience. Just use the example that I have mentioned above, Liza Donnelly used visual image and the funny features of characters is better than if she uses the words to describe the issue. Because the audience does not need to read the long text, which they may lose their interest or attention, and they can get the ideas of the cartoon while they are laughing.

However, using the humor way to reveal the truth may not able to deliver the whole truth. if a person does not have certain historical background knowledge, he or she may not get the funny part of the humor or does not get the message. For example, if you ask a child to read the cartoon, the child will just think the man looks funny but nothing else. So it needs a little bit of background information for a person to understand the true meaning behind it. Also, the humous sentences are usually short, and the short statement cannot explain the whole situation of the events.

Therefore, humor is a good way to deliver the message to the audience because it is easier for the audience to understand and it can leave a deep impression on their mind. However, it may require some background information in order to understand it and it lacks the complete explanation of the truth.



作者在《关山难越》和《魂归》中不同寻常的是她以第二人称为主视角来叙述和写作文章,这样做有许多好处。 第一,作者用“你”来代替“我”,仿佛是一个与多年前自己的对话,又仿佛是一个与读者的对话,一方面将与读者的距离拉近,把读者代入到整个文章的环境和情节设定中,使读者们感同身受。比如说,作者在《关山难越》中写道:“他要你写毛笔字,”肘子提起来,坐端正,腰挺直。“ 从这一句话中,可以让读者清晰的感受到与这篇文章的联系,这就仿佛是小时候父母教育我们的一个场景,把读者代入了之前的回忆。同时,用这样的语言带给我们的是一个场景化的视野,读者们仿佛看到了当年父亲是如何教育作者的。另一方面,作者运用“你”这个字眼不仅仅代表了她自己,同时也暗意着文中的主人公可以是世界上的任何一个人,意味着每一个人都会在生命中经历父母的衰老,为父母送终,表达了这种大众下都无法逆转时间的无奈,具有普世性。就像是文中的”是啊,确实不知道从什么时候开始的,他走路的步子慢了,一向挺直的脊背有点儿驼了,话,越来越少了。” 这句话中形容的场景是我们每一个人都已经或者是将会在自己父母的身上看到的,自己的成长和父母的老去是同时进行的,没有人能逆转,没有人能改变,是一种大众的无奈。 第二,作者运用“你”这个字眼来跳出文本,用一个更高的视角来客观,理性的审视当时的自己和当时的情景,从而深化文章中父亲衰老和父亲多年后终于回到家乡但却已经不在人世,他的魂魄终于回归的主题与作者和普通大中一样都面临着要目送吧别人离开的心酸的内涵,使文章意味深长,耐人寻味。

Arts and Crafts with PPIS Children Initial Reflection

This Thursday was the first meeting of Art and craft with PPIS children. The PPIS Children Care Center is aimed to educate and empower children in Singapore who are from low-income families to be more confident and self-aware. During the first meeting, the teacher went through the purpose of our club and some rules. This year we need to design and come up with different activities for children from PPIS, to let them have fun and build up their confidence. I am going to attend this service every Thursday throughout the whole year.

There are two learning outcomes that matching this service

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in your CAS experiences.

I will contribute to this club my designing sessions and take part in and I will keep doing this club throughout the year.

LO6:Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

This service focus on poverty families from different regions which I believe has a global significance of poverty as well as the well-being of children raised in poverty families

I am planning to take leadership for this service because I am patient with children and I have some experience of play with a group of children. Therefore, I believe I can organizing and planning each session well and distributed tasks to the members of the club. I think this is a great opportunity for me to practice my leadership and organization skills.




Chinese A Literature 读书笔记— 《     魂归 》


概括总结 精彩引文/情节



龙应台,1952年生于台湾,现代作家,曾担任台湾文化部部长。 33岁着手写《野火集》抨击时弊。 1974年毕业于台湾国立成功大学外文系后,赴美国求学,后获堪萨斯州立大学英美文学博士。 1988迁居德国,在法兰克福大学任教授。34岁第一次做母亲,自称从此开始上“人生课”,且至今未毕业。 龙应台“人生三书” 《孩子你慢慢来》,《亲爱的安德烈》,《目送》是这堂人生课的三本“作业”。 “如果我在原来的家族,可能十岁就遇到祖父过世,十三岁祖母过世,还有叔公之类亲戚的人际变化。等他到了五十岁,才上别人十几岁就上过的人生课程,我的父亲过世,第一次上课就是这重大的人生事件。有些事啊,只能一个人做。有些关,只能一个人过。有些路啊,只能一个人走。





  • 2004年,龙应台的父亲逝世,让她体会到人生如同“暗夜行山路”。因为她是台湾的“外省人”,作为从大陆到台湾的移民,除了父母兄弟,龙应台没有其他亲人。因此龙应台对许多人生的基础课程有着很大的时间上的延迟。 
  • 同一时期,陈水扁总统对欧洲议会议员及新闻媒体表示,做不到把中国民国国号改成台湾共和国。中共中央总书记胡锦涛则发表了对台湾工作的四个“绝不”,随后全国人们代表大会则发表了《反分裂国家法》。3月,台湾民进党,台聊等组织游行表示抗议。大陆台湾关系紧张。 
– “是不是因为,对于台湾和海外的人,”相信“或”不相信“已经不是切肤的问题,反倒是人生中最私密,最深埋,最不可言喻的“伤逝”和“舍” 才是刻骨铭心的痛?是不是因为,在大陆集体心灵旅程里,一路走来,人们现在面临最大的关卡,是“相信”与“不相信”之间的困惑,犹豫,和艰难的重新寻找?” 












乡亲们: 大多数都比较年迈,欢迎父亲回乡。乡亲们想用村里的传统习俗来表示对死者的尊重。 

  • “我明白你们不想铺张的意思,但是我们认为既然回到家乡安葬,我们还是有我们的习俗同规矩。我们是要三天三夜的,不能没有道士道场,不能没有花鼓队,而且,家乡的习俗,儿女不能亲手埋了父母的,那骨灰要由八个人或者十二个人抬到山上去,要雇人的。不这么做就是违背家族传统。”




这篇文章讲述了作者与母亲和兄弟们回到父亲的故乡埋葬他。讲述家人们如何和乡亲们的意见产生分歧,但最后家人们还是同意以传统的家乡风俗埋葬父亲。在仪式的过程中,作者仿佛看到了父亲当年的影子,也感受到父亲这次是真的回家了。  -“当他说闽南语而引得人们哈哈大笑时,当他说北京话而令人面面相觑时,他为什么不曾为自己辩护:在这里,他的楚音与天地山川一样幽深,与苍天鬼神一样宏大?”




在为父亲招魂的同时,湘楚之音即为故乡的象征,同时也是父亲的灵魂象征。 司仪用湘音招魂这与父亲之前的声音如此想象,从而证明父亲的灵魂真正的回归了故土,点名主题。 -“当他说闽南语而引得人们哈哈大笑时,当他说北京话而令人面面相觑时,他为什么不曾为自己辩护:在这里,他的楚音与天地山川一样幽深,与苍天鬼神一样宏大?”


语言风格 龙应台一贯的写作风格:横眉冷对千夫指,寒气逼人,犹如刀光剑影。但是在此文中,作者笔下大都是写实的描写,字里行间透露出一种悲凉以及忧伤的气氛。通过雨与久旱做出对比更加烘托了伤心难过的气氛
  • “天空飘起微微雨丝,湿润的空气混了泥土的气息。花鼓队开始上路,兄长捧着骨灰坛,你扶着母亲,两公里的路她坚持用走的。从很远就可以看见田埂上有人在奔跑,从红砖砌成的农舍跑出,往大陆奔来,手里环抱着一大卷沉重的鞭炮。”
个人解读 魂归,父亲一生最想念的就是母亲和家乡,但是不幸的是,只有去世之后才有机会重返故土。 虽然家人们和村民的意见有一些分歧,但是他们的目的都是统一的:都希望给予死者最大的尊重。最后家人与村民终于找到了一个和谐的解决方法,让父亲的魂魄最终重回故乡。  -“当他说闽南语而引得人们哈哈大笑时,当他说北京话而令人面面相觑时,他为什么不曾为自己辩护:在这里,他的楚音与天地山川一样幽深,与苍天鬼神一样宏大?”






认同 文化 创造力 交流 观点 呈现 转化




有两个人在门前挖井。一个人在地面上,接地面下那个人挖出来的泥土,泥土用一个辘轳拉上来,倾倒到一只竹畚箕里,两个满了,他就用扁担挑走。很重,他摇摇晃晃地走,肩头被扁担压出两条肉的深沟。地面下那个人,太深太黑了,看不见,只隐隐听见他咳嗽的声音,从井底传来。“缺水,”挑土的人气喘喘地说, “两个多月了。没水喝了。









颜色对比 , 因为是颜色在灰扑扑这样子暗淡的颜色中出现,更让人觉得这样颜色的扎眼更凄凉。 

巨大的纸风车: 生命很轻,被风吹着走







像公审一样,一张小凳子,等着你去坐下。:一段历史,父亲的生命轨迹和乡人的生命轨迹因为命运而变得截然不同。 乡人的行为表现了他们经历过的那一段与父亲不同的历史。 如果父亲当年没有走,他也是乡人的一员




声音从喧嚣的场景变得突然安静, 本来就是一个尴尬的气氛, 当长辈清了清喉咙更加增加了尴尬紧张的气氛。 

乡人也紧张,他们安静和清喉咙也紧张, 因为作者他们也是外乡人。 




黝黑的、劳苦的、满是生活磨难: 与父亲形象截然不同。 













作者豁然开朗的点,作者突然觉得用千古以来,他们就一定是以这样悲怆的楚音招魂的 对传统文化的理解


当他说闽南语而引得人们哈哈大笑时,当他说北京话而令人们面面相觑时,他为什么不曾为自己辩护:在这里,他的楚音与天地山川一样幽深,与苍天鬼神一样宏大父亲的乡愁也是一样的?司仪的每一个音,都像父亲念《陈情表》的音,婉转凄楚,每一个音都重创你。此时此刻,你方才理解了他灵魂的漂泊,此时此刻,你方才明白他何以为《四郎探母》泪下,此时此刻你方才明白:他是真的回到家了 整个招魂最点题的一段









蓝布帽,蓝布褂 是乡人的象征
















       In my opinion, the text cannot fully and truly represent a group of people. This is because all forms of texts only reveal parts of a culture or a group and that they still have a far distance to truly understand a culture or a community just through reading or watching them. For example, in the movie called “Crazy Rich Asians”, a movie about Singapore and Singaporean. However, there are only Chinese-Singaporean being mainly shown in the film whereas people who are from other races only had a few shots, and their jobs in the film were labor and worker. This film shows the life in Singapore and how people’s lives are like. But if you are not from Singapore, so when you finish watching this movie, you will be thinking that Singapore citizens are mostly Chinese, and people who are from other races are mainly in the lower class of the society. But this is not true. In this case, the text is misleading its audience of the true fact of the Singaporean, and it caused stereotypes and bias.

     Our own identity also plays an important role in understanding and responding to the text. For instance, if we are watching the film as an Indian- Singaporean, we may consider the film is offensive and has a bias on Chinese people because most Chinese in the film are rich whereas Indians are poor. However, if we are just watching it as a foreigner, we may just consider it a funny movie with a lot of background in Singapore’s life.  Therefore, if we have a different identity, the way you understand and respond the text will be different.

Planning for CAS


Creativity  Activity  Service 
Art club LO1 Karate  LO2 Art and craft  LO3

The table above is what I am planning to do for CAS during season 1 and 2.

For creativity:

I am planning to do either the art club or art and pottery, it depends on the availability of the club. Both clubs share the same learning outcomes which are identifying own strength and develop areas for personal growth and demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefit of working collaboratively.

LO1: I hope I can find my own strength in arts and develop more artistic skills during the season.

Lo5: I would have a lot of chance to create an art piece together with others, and I think this is a great opportunity for me to develop collaborative skills and find the benefits of working together.

Duration: Every Tuesdays or Thursdays for 80min. I will be attending for 2 seasons.

Predicted hour: 13 times x 80 min =1040min =17.3h

Goals:  -Learn more artistic skills

-learn and develop collaborative skills

– relaxation during club time

– make more friends


For Activity:

I am planning to do Karaty for Activity. Active lifestyle meets the learning outcomes of identifying own strength and develop areas for personal growth and Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

LO1: Through Karate, I hope I can develop my karate skills and identify my own strength and weakness in the process

LO2: Because sports are my weakness area, so I hope during 2 seasons of Karate I can overcome the challenges and difficulties in developing skills and turn my weakness into a strength.

Duration: Karate—-Every Wednesdays for 80 mins

Predicted hours: Karate —- 6 times x 80 mins =480mins =8h

For service:

I am going to do Art and Craft with PPIS children care center for my service in season 1 and 2. This service meets the learning outcomes of Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience and  Show commitment to and perseverance in your CAS experiences.

LO3: In this club, I would have a chance to plan some activities and design some sessions for these mentally disabled children.

LO4: I will contribute to this club my designing sessions and take part in and I will keep doing this club throughout the year.

Durations: Every: Thursdays

Predicted hours: 26 times x 80mins = 2080 mins =34.6h









Chinese A Literature  读书笔记 — 《  雨儿 》


概括总结 精彩引文



龙应台,1952年生于台湾,现代作家,曾担任台湾文化部部长。 33岁着手写《野火集》抨击时弊。 1974年毕业于台湾国立成功大学外文系后,赴美国求学,后获堪萨斯州立大学英美文学博士。 1988迁居德国,在法兰克福大学任教授。34岁第一次做母亲,自称从此开始上“人生课”,且至今未毕业。 龙应台“人生三书” 《孩子你慢慢来》,《亲爱的安德烈》,《目送》是这堂人生课的三本“作业”。 “如果我在原来的家族,可能十岁就遇到祖父过世,十三岁祖母过世,还有叔公之类亲戚的人际变化。等他到了五十岁,才上别人十几岁就上过的人生课程,我的父亲过世,第一次上课就是这重大的人生事件。有些事啊,只能一个人做。有些关,只能一个人过。有些路啊,只能一个人走。







  • “就是说嘛,我看了你半天,觉得好像,没想到真的是你。说起来古怪,昨天晚上有个人躺在我床上,态度很友善,她也说她是我的雨儿,实在太奇怪了。”
  • “我每天打一通电话,不管你在世界上哪个角落。”




  • 因为父亲的去世,龙应台更加珍惜和爱护母亲,并且对母亲的失忆和老去表示无奈。 
  • 全文字里行间可以体会到她们之间浓厚的母女之情,也暗暗的表现了作者对时间流逝的难过与无奈。 
-“ 如果你是我的雨儿,你怎么会不在我身边呢?你是不是我养大的?是什么人把你养大的呢?”

– “我抬起头,摸摸她灰白色稀疏的头发,说:“妈,千真万确,我就是你的女儿。”




  • 作者以女儿的身份来叙述这篇文章。 文中的作者是个细心,孝顺的人。
  • 母亲患有阿尔兹海默症和失忆,时常会忘记刚刚说过的事情,忘记了身边的人。 母亲的状态因为病和年纪的关系慢慢退回如孩童一般的样子,天真,乖巧,口无遮拦。在文中作者和母亲的身份仿佛互换了,母亲变得天真单纯,而女儿对母亲百般呵护,就像是在照顾一个孩子。 
-“ 到潮州看她时,习惯独睡的我就陪她睡。”








这篇文章讲述了失忆的母亲不记得自己的女儿是谁,说过的话也总是立马就忘记。作者记录了与失忆母亲相处的几个片段,字里行间流露出他们之间的母女情深。但是因为母亲的病,母亲慢慢的退化成了孩童一般,需要大人来呵护。这也让作者第一次认识到她与母亲的角色仿佛互换了一样。 -“年老的女人都会这样吗?身子愈来愈瘦,脚步愈来愈轻,声音愈来愈弱,神情愈来愈萎缩,也就是说,人逐渐退为影子。”




  • 文章讲述了母亲的病情
  • 母女之间浓厚的感情
  • 女儿照顾母亲的责任
  • 希望母亲可以一直年轻
  • “说起来古怪,昨天晚上有个人躺在我床上,态度很友善,她也说是我的雨儿,实在太奇怪了。”
  • “如果你是我的雨儿,你怎么会不在我身边呢?你是不是我养大的?是什么人把你养大的呢?”
  • “她看着我,微笑了。我这才注意到,她穿着黑衣白领,像一个中学的女生。”


  • 细节描写


  • 象征


-“ 想带孩子一样把被子裹好她身体,放周旋的《天涯歌女》,把灯关掉,只留下洗手间的小灯,然后在她身边躺下。等她睡着,再起来工作。”

– “第二站,搭公交车,红五号,从白云山庄上车。一路上樱花照眼,她静静看着窗外流荡过去的风景,窗玻璃映出她的颜容,和窗外的粉色樱花明灭掩映;她的眼神迷离,时空飘忽。”

语言风格 龙应台一贯的写作风格:横眉冷对千夫指,寒气逼人,犹如刀光剑影。 但是在《目送》里语言却亲切温和,是母亲的温柔,是女儿的乖巧。全文语言结构紧凑,却能在字里行间里流露出对母亲的怜爱及对无法停止母亲老去的无奈。 -“雨儿?我只有一个雨儿。”








个人解读 龙应台作为女儿,看着母亲不记得她,刚刚说过的话立马就忘记,她心里得有多难过。作为母亲,不记得自己的子女,不记得自己的过去,她有多迷失,多无助。女儿用自己的耐心和照料照顾着母亲,是对自己要照顾母亲这一责任的清楚认知,也是对母亲的无限爱意。 看着母亲乖巧的样子和窗子上映出的模样,让作者不禁感叹到时光无情不能停止母亲的衰老,也对此表示无限的无奈。  -“说起来古怪,昨天晚上有个人躺在我床上,态度很友善,她也说是我的雨儿,实在太奇怪了。”


– “第二站,搭公交车,红五号,从白云山庄上车。一路上樱花照眼,她静静看着窗外流荡过去的风景,窗玻璃映出她的颜容,和窗外的粉色樱花明灭掩映;她的眼神迷离,时空飘忽。