CAS pre activity reflections: Meditation

Meditation –

#LO1 (Awareness)- Meditation is something I have had experience with before, Mr. Suarez the activity coordinator was my IGCSE mentor and gave us many meditation opportunities. I feel like meditation gives me the opportunity to clear my find and focus. I hope that learning to meditate with has other positive effects on my life like better concentration and emotional management. I feel that meditation has the power to help you reflect on your thoughts and action in a more calm way which is important in all parts of your life. Meditation is known to help reduce stress, control anxiety, improve emotional health and awareness, lengthen attention spans, reduce memory loss, and improve sleep, all of which are important for a healthier lifestyle and an enjoyable IB experience

#LO2( Challenge)- One challenge that I have previously had during meditations is the ability to concentrate throughout them. This is something I hope I get better at, I also hope that I learn how to meditate without guidance.

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