First week of Activities and Service

The first week of activities was really enjoyable. Below is a picture of the rooftop garden where we work during Urban Gardening the service which I participate in as well as a picture of some of my friends who are in the service. I am happy that I have some people that I already know in this service (Eddie and Isabel) and I am excited to get to know my other peers.

As for my other activities: Meditation was very calming and helped clear my head for the rest of the day, it was incredibly refreshing and we hope to be able to spread this throughout the school. It is an initiative that we will look into and collaborate as an activity to create. It will take a lot of work, time, and commitment but it could be an interesting project.  #LO5 #LO4 #LO3

MUN was also incredibly exciting. I was pretty nervous as know I have moved up into the advanced training group which happens to be the highest one. I was nervous about speaking in front of my peers who are incredibly skilled and talented at public speaking but I pushed myself to give a speech within the first lesson. I am glad I did because now it doesn’t feel as scary and I will definitely try to actively participate. #LO2

I had my first NeuroSoc activity. I got to meet the people who signed up and I am incredibly grateful for the students who signed up. Though I can tell we are all interested after a long Monday it will be a challenge for everyone to stay engaged. I think the first lesson was good in terms of that but we could definitely do better. I think I managed to show my leadership skills and initiative.  #LO2 #LO3



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