The annual UWC Model UN conference will be held online due to Covid-19 restrictions. This will be a challenge as it hasn’t been done before. The procedure and all the delegates and chairs will have to learn and challenge themselves in this situation. In this conference, I am a deputy chair for the Disarmament and International Security Council. I have to research a specific global issue and create a report to give to the delegates of the committee as an overview of the topic. I was given the topic of Combating the proliferation of weapons to non-state actors with special reference to the MENA region. When I was first assigned this topic I didn’t understand what it meant. However, after extensive research, I have a strong understanding of the topic and managed to finish this report (a week early too). Linked below is the research report which reflects my knowledge and understanding of this global issue. The conference is in December and I am excited to be the chair and lead this committee and to collaborate with the head chair from Dover. 

#LO2, #LO6, #LO4.

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