Othello act 1 overview

Act 1 introduced us to the main characters Iago, Othello, Cassio, and Desdemona. From the opening scene, Shakespeare explores the concepts of deception as well as its antithesis, loyalty. In that scene, Roderigo accuses Iago of tricking him into giving him money. At this point in the play, the audience isn’t introduced to Othello or Desdemona however they can understand that Iago doesn’t like him. Iago is shown to be a hypocritic and deceptive person. Iago sent “three great ones of the city” to woo Othello in hopes of winning the promotion however continues to say that Othello was self-interested and gave the promotion unfairly to “ One Micheal Cassio, a florentine”, here audiences can pick up on Iago’s hypocrisy as well as his views on non-Venetians. Line 39 once again shows Iago’s views on non-Venetians as he calls Othello a “Moor” which meant a Muslim or African, a non-European, an outsider. Iago justifies his hatred to Othello by claiming that the pass over for a promotion was the reason however as the play progresses he starts adding more reasons such as his growing suspicion that Othello’s “done his office” which means slept with his wife. Iago is an insecure character who finds a reason to dislike everybody. He is shown as an unreliable narrator/character as, after his description of characters, those characters walk in and act very differently. Othello and Cassio seem to be the opposite of Iago’s description. Othello is a well-spoken, diplomatic, and a trusting character whereas Iago describes him to be self-interested and predatory. Cassio was described as a “bookish theoric” who doesn’t deserve his role, however, when they reach Cyprus in Act 2 Governenr Montano praises Cassio for he has “served him” and seen him in the field. Desdemona was described by Iago as naive, cunning, and deceptive, Iago also objectifies Desdemona, as if she were a prized possession or a sexual object. Through Iago’s character, Shakespeare explores the negative side of many large concepts such as racism, appearances/ deception, vengeance, hate, and lies, whereas most of the other characters show the opposite love, loyalty, truth, and community.

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