CAS pre activity reflections: MUN


#LO2( Challenge)- Something I have previously struggled with in MUN is Confidence. Expressing my ideas and being outspoken can be difficult when giving important speeches. Over the past few years of my MUN journey, I have definitely seen some improvement which I hope to continue seeing.

#LO6 (Global Value)- I hope to learn about many global issues, as well as understand the different perspectives which I will have to adopt as I take the role of a delegate representing different countries.

#LO7 (Ethics)- While Exploring different perspectives I also have the opportunity to understand the ethical implication of resolutions that have been made previously. When making my own resolutions in conferences and practice I will have to carefully think about the ethical implications of the resolutions we put forward. I think this will help me understand the impact of global issues as well as my own morals and perspectives.

My 3 Objects


Encyclopedia: a book or set of books giving information on many subjects or on many aspects of one subject and typically arranged alphabetically.

I feel encyclopedias provide knowledge to the readers in accessible ways due to books that are targetted towards many age groups. Encyclopedias often give knowledge on a range of topics. Most of the information in the books are facts, however, there are some things that can be a little biased. For example, Historical facts or information can be misrepresented in order to push an agenda, or beliefs of the person writing it. I feel like the historical aspects of encyclopedias can offer some bias and perspective as it is often said that “history is written by the victors (Winston Churchill). I feel like most of the information is also very general and can be useful to large groups of people.




Photography: the art or practice of taking and processing photographs.

“A picture is worth a thousand words”, (a famous proverb). I feel that photography is an art form that can be (mostly) easy to understand. It can communicate a range of ideas and concepts that the artist wishes to portray. The black and white picture above for example can portray many ideas. The color scheme of the photo instantly makes the picture more dramatic because of the contrast between black and white, it also simplifies/ removes the distraction of color and really allows us to focus the main subject of the picture. Photography can portray emotions and have historical significance.

I feel even though photos are widely available and easy to comprehend, sometimes understanding the deeper meaning can be challenging without context in the form of text. This may make photography accessible only to people who have some prior knowledge about the subject of the photograph. However, even without completely understanding the intent of the image I feel that photography still allows you to enjoy whatever it is you are looking at. I feel photos are also very important as they capture a moment in time, capturing the emotions, perspective, and beauty of the moment.

I like photography as do many people in this modern era, we take many pictures on our mobile phones and I think this is an important part of our culture. I also believe that there are aspects of an image that are only understandable to the photographer and people in it. I think the story behind the photo and how it was made can also be powerful. Imagine a photo of a lightning strike, people looking at the image won’t know how long the photographer had to wait to acquire that image as well as the experience of taking it. I think that this knowledge from the picture is only accessible to the people the photographer wants to share it and it can be more personal.


Clothes: items worn to cover the body.

Clothes are not only an item we use every day, but they also have cultural, societal, and individual significance. The clothes we wear can tell us about the social norms of particular communities, for example, it can be rare to see women walking around in short-shorts in the middle east due to the cultural importance of modesty and the strong influence of Islam. The clothes we wear also portray our identity and self-expression. When I wear a piece of cultural clothing for example a lengha, I represent my Indian heritage, I am also able to connect to others who wear this as we might have things in common. I think wearing traditional clothes can attract a community of knowers who understand the significance of the clothing, as such I believe that some clothing can have knowledge that is mainly understood by a group of knowers. This also shows the relation between culture and knowledge. For example, Hindu’s who wear white to a funeral may understand the religious significance of incarnation and how death is not viewed as ‘bad’ rather it is just the end of one lifetime and that the soul will be reincarnated.


“Street Photography” by Imahinasyon Photography is licensed under CC BY 2.0

“Canonet with gordy’s camera strap” by FXTC is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

“Encyclopedia Britannica volumes” by Todd Mecklem is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

“Encyclopedia pages showing world flags” by Horia Varlan is licensed under CC BY 2.0

“Clothes barn” by is licensed under CC BY 2.0



देवदास एक युवा लड़का है जो बारह आल का है। वह पाठशाला में सुनता नहीं और दूसरे बच्चों को तंग करता है। पाठशाला से

भाग के वह हुक्का मरता है। वे डरता भी नहि है, जब वह सुन्नत है की वह पाठशाला नहीं जा सकता उसको ख़ुशी

है।डेबदस बहुत बटमिज है वे अपने दोस्त पार्वती को मरता है।

पार्वती के गुणो:

  • स्पष्टवक्ता
  • साहस
  • निडर
  • प्यार में उससे शर्म और डर नहीं लकता।
  • उसकी सोच  परिक्क है।

देवदास काम करने से फले सोचता नहीं है।

What does it meant to be “content”?

Dear Andie,

I feel that ‘contentedness’ is the grey area between happiness and sadness. The self-awareness of acknowledging all the negative and positive thoughts in your mind, without swaying to one side. Being content feels like a sigh of relief or a knowing smile. Feeling content is powerful. I find it to be one of the most satisfying feelings (sometimes more than happiness itself). When you learn to control your emotions ‘content’ can be a regular feeling of knowing that everything will be okay even if it’s not perfect at the moment.

We teach ourselves to be hopeful because without a positive attitude, being stuck in the day to day rollercoaster called life, we find ourselves to be lost. We learn to trust that things will get better, whether that be from the grace of a god, blind faith in the universe, or just our naive natures. I feel that ‘content’ is the gratitude you feel towards being alive and the hope that everything will get better.

Love, Anvita.

Black Lives Matter Art

Today I’m going to be addressing the black lives matter art which is so prevalent during these extraordinary times. Protesting all around the United States as well as many other countries show unity as well as anger that people have towards this issue. Racism and police brutality has been long ignored in the United States no matter how prevalent it has been. Today I’m going to focus specifically on the photography aspect of art.

 The main thing about photography that I find very powerful is it shows real people in real situations.  The images from the protest also show unity and bring hope to people because of how diverse the demographic of the protesters are. It shows that this issue isn’t a black vs. white issue, it is a human rights issue. One focus of the photography which I also appreciate is showing the safety measures people are taking, for example wearing masks during these COVID-19 times. Many people like to say that it’s irresponsible to protest during a pandemic,  however, we can see that people are taking measures to protect themselves as well as others. Another powerful thing that’s to talk if he’s able to highlight is the creativity of sign making. The picture below which reads “America not AmeriKKKa”  is incredibly powerful. Even having a basic understanding of the KKK you know that it is a white supremacist organization that primarily terrorizes African Americans. it brings up the thought-provoking idea that the Ku Klux Klan still has a large say in how the country is operated. It forces you to look into the history of the KKK in the US,  and if you do your research you uncover The horrible crimes that they committed.

As an art student, I also found the political cartoons interesting to analyze as they were able to rope in history and humor into this issue the image below shows the hypocrisy of police brutality increase for a protest I think that online photography with shows real situations cartoons have the ability to show a layer of truth which is not obvious in the real world.  I feel like all the cartoons below of Martin Luther King fast people to remember important figures in this movement and think about how disappointed they would be that this issue has still not been addressed. The dialogue in that cartoon that reads “ I have a nightmare” plays on the famous “I have a dream speech” which he gave. The background in this image also shows a large protest it’s well as Donald Trump, I think this signifies the  US vs them confrontation which is currently happening.  people are being called out for the indifference as well as their past races acts which are now coming back to haunt them. In this situation it is clear that there is no indifference, there is only ignorance. I think everyone is being forced to come to a conclusion on where they stand in this issue which I feel is key to creating real change.


CREST reflection

The past few weeks working on the crest project has been a very useful and productive time for me.  I have had the opportunity to research a topic that I find interesting. I chose to do my project on tattoos and how they impact the immune system. I chose this topic because I wanted to do something related to biology and Medicine and I also thought that tattoos are something very artistic with a lot of history that could be interesting to explore.  My initial research actually wanted me away from my hypothesis which was that tattoos were just dangerous,  and instead I saw a different side in which researchers are trying to explore the potential benefits that tattooing can have.  I think this change in my plans shows growth during the research process research which occurred early in my project, it helped me keep an open mind to new ideas that are coming in the ever-changing field of science.  I really enjoyed researching this topic and I think that  I have a solid understanding  Ocala tattoos impact pinion system.  I think there is a potential that I could expand on this topic for my extended essay next year, but, if I don’t, it was a beneficial task. This research project is taught me a lot about finding good sources and using scholarly articles. I found that a lot of news websites which are trusted often explain things with less detail in more of an overview form because they are just trying to spread Awareness on them issues,  scholarly articles, on the other hand, go into greater depth and explain the topic at hand in Greater detail. 
My CREST project was inspired by my interest in Biology and medicine, which I find a very interesting topic as it is directly related to humans and there’s so much potential for it to change our lives. Some of the things which I was researching which are still hypothetical seem as though they are straight out of the fictional novel,  the idea of tattoos that could measure your blood sugar be mounted UV rays touching your skin or tattoos that could charge your pacemakers is pretty unbelievable.

Grade 10 Personal Statment

This year has been an impactful year for me, with many learning opportunities and interesting experiences. I participated in a range of activities and services which allowed me to have a better understanding of myself and my school community. I also participated in debate conferences and dance performances which helped improve my skills in public speaking confidence and general. Activities like student’s voice allowed me to have a leadership position in my class. I think this last term in particular has been incredibly important because of events that are impacting people all around the world. I think when issues like a worldwide epidemic or racial injustice are being dealt with it allows me to explore and learn about these issues as a UWC student. Complex issues are affecting so many peoples, lives, jobs, and futures. I think my overall Grade 10 experience has been very wholesome as I have tried a lot of new things some which I enjoyed and some which I didn’t. I would like to continue doing many activities like dance, service, and MUN as they allow me to develop many of my UWC skills and Qualities. These skills and Qualities are important to develop so I can understand these Global issues with great depth.