Bedok Peacehaven – Chinese New Year Fun!

Chinese New Year Themed Activity

For our final session before the Chinese New Year break, we decided to organize an arts and crafts sessions for the elderly to make Chinese lanterns to decorate the center with.

The elderly really enjoyed the activity, and alongside this, it enabled us to form deeper connections with them as they were able to hold some conversations whilst coloring. I feel that our relationship with the seniors have definitely improved, as they seemed more trusting and comfortable with us. They were not afraid to approach us for help with the arts and crafts, even when they would normally search for the service partners. They would also attempt to start conversations with us in English, which really helped to build a bond between us.

Prior to the activity, it had come to our attention that white lanterns were inappropriate for this occasion in the Chinese culture, as it signified death. Therefore, the service partners were a little hesitant with the activity in the beginning. However, we assured them that the intention of the activity was to color in the lanterns so that they would not remain white anymore. Nevertheless, I feel that our misunderstanding and ignorance for the Chinese culture could definitely bring issues when leading activities in the future, and perhaps not be taken as lightly. This cultural barrier is something that we need to address as a service group and keep into mind when planning cultural activities such as this one.

Reflection on the Visit

From previous sessions, we learnt that we needed to remain organized with our plans to ensure that every member is aware of their roles and responsibilities before the next visit. As co-chair, I am responsible for delegating tasks and organizing the activities. However, I have been finding that the responsibility to think of the activities has also fallen on me, instead from the collective brainstorming of the group. This makes my job a little more challenging as it can sometimes be difficult coming up with ideas all by myself.

To tackle this issue, I decided that after every session, I would hold a short, informal discussion with the group on their ideas for the next session, urging each member to provide their input into the plans. I would also made use of the minutes document I created for the service to ensure that the members are aware of the activity and materials needed for each visit.

After using this method after several visits now, I have found that we have come to the center more organized and prepared for each session. In addition, the members of the service have been more proactive and are starting to take responsibility for tasks ie. gathering the materials, which has made the planning process more efficient. This particular session I feel has really demonstrated the effectiveness of this method, as we came prepared and organized to run the activity, allowing us to maximize the entire duration of the visit.

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