Formula for the Best Parent Workshop

(Cross-posted at Tip of the Iceberg) This little gem of an idea, came to the Digital Literacy Team at UWCSEA via Robyn Treyvaud, who had been visiting our school to work on the initiation of our generation safe project. Robyn’s idea – so obvious I don’t know why we hadn’t thought of it before –…

Great IWB Resource

Noah Katz, one of the Digital Literacy Coaches at Dover came across this fantastic resource which he shared with me. Triptico (designed by David Riley) is a FREE download which works very nicely in conjunction with IWBs. The free download gives you a number of desktop resources which are fully customizable. What I love about them…

Thinking Routines & the iPad

The iPad is a great mobile device for recording students thinking on the go. When we combine the iPad, Harvard’s Artful Thinking Palette, Harvard’s Visible Thinking Routines and the free Voicethread app, a plethora of possibilities become available. Sign in to Voicethread*, making sure that the domain you are signing in with is – if not,…

Publishing on the Web

Why?Having a class blog allows us access to added benefits to enhance student learning. Some of them include: Being able to share student learning with extended families/friends around the world. As an International school, our students come from many different places, and being able to share what’s going on in (and out of) the classroom…