Towards a more meaningful discussion of ‘screen time’

“Ten minutes of talking to a grandparent over Skype will not have the same effect as watching ten minutes of YouTube videos or spending 10 minutes catching up on celebrity gossip. This is further complicated by the fact that the effects of any one use of technology will depend on the user, their history, motivations,…

Digital Bytes – March 12, 2018

Digital Childhood If you have time, read this whole PDF. If you don’t, skip ahead to page 14 where they look at the developmental milestones for children of a certain age range and then look at recommendations for digital use, risks & challenges, and impact. They look at 5 different age grouping from 3 to…

Digital Bytes – 19th Feb. 2018

How to Make Screens a Positive in Family Life Parents don’t talk about the joy of screens very much unless it is on a long plane journey. This article from The Guardian starts gives excellent advice on screen time. Screen time advice starts with “Enjoy screens. Not too much. Mostly together.” There is great practical…

Toward a more balanced discussion on ‘Screen time.’

“Are today’s students spending too much time in front of computer screens? The more important question is: are students engaged in powerful learning experiences and, whenever possible, given voice and choice in what, how, and when they learn?” (read more here) The popularity of opinions warning us against the dangers of screen time are nothing…