Digital Bytes – 18th June, 2018


Summer Book Creator Journal Revisited
This will be the third straight summer that my kids create a journal using Book Creator. We are all looking forward to the process and enjoy looking back on previous year’s journals. I highly encourage the process and I have some top tips to make sure it is a success.
Making Rest a Priority Over Summer
“When teachers rest we all win.” Take time this summer to relax and a great place to start is this podcast and video. A few suggestions include: slowing down, use time to dream, find an escape, make time for your own professional learning and make something epic.
Relax with a Podcast
As part of your efforts to relax this summer, you might want to check out some podcasts which are great for you or for your kids. I would start with This Podcast Has Fleas, Eleanor Amplified, Stuff You Should Know, Mars Patel, Finn Caspian, Peace Out, and Tumble.

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