Digital Bytes – June 11, 2018



10 Great YouTube Channels for Teaching Video Essays
Communication by video is an essential skill for our students in today’s world. One of the best ways to get your message out to the world is through the use of a video. Sharing sites like YouTube have their own stars who share their thoughts and ideas with others. Here are 10 channels that will help you teach the genre of video essays.
PBL – Start Here
You may have heard of Problem Based Learning (PBL) but don’t know what it is all about. The reality is that PBL can easily fit into a concept-based curriculum like we have at our school. The amazing Jennifer Gonzales shares about what PBL is, why people are using it, what it looks like in practice and answers many other common questions around PBL.
Two Stage Sketchnoting with Index Cards
Sketchnotes are an amazing way to help you and your students to remember anything. Try out two stage sketchnoting which is a great place to start learning about sketchnotes. Like the name implies, there are two parts – the first is your initial pass through the information and the second is creating your notes. It is a perfect place for beginners.

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