Digital Bytes 20 April 2015

This week’s Digital Bytes is all about SHARING. We are promoting our newest UWCSEA Twitter hashtag: #uwclearn, an interactive book designed to help educators get started on Twitter, called Twitter: A Cultural Guidebook, and the Diigo Group UWCSEA Teachers. Enjoy this week’s offerings!  

Getting Connected – the Why and How

Why? Screenshot via The question of why connect is an important one for us to consider. Of course, being connected can lead you to lots of great resources and ideas for lessons, but what we are really talking about here is connecting with people. It is through these personal connections that you can build…

doing more with diigo

Diigo is a great way to keep track of all of your bookmarks in the cloud so that they can be readily pulled up on any device connected to the Internet. Yes, and…  there’s a whole lot more that it can do. Diigo works best when it’s tools are integrated right in to your browser. …

5 Reasons to get started with Diigo

Organise – As you bookmark each page, tag it with keywords, which makes it easier to find later. You can tag sites with multiple tags. Highlight – Select interesting passages from the text of the website and highlight them for quick reference later. This is great for those undertaking any research, particularly if you are…