Digital Bytes 7 September 2015

This week’s Digital Bytes features a Chrome extension to remove distracting advertisements and related articles from online reading, a great Stop Motion activity for your students, and a blog post about the wonderful classroom designs on display at UWCSEA East.

Google Docs updates: three things worth looking at

In addition to the new logo, Google has announced several updates on their blog. It’s worth having a look at the whole list, but here are three things that you’ll want to try right away. Talk to your Doc: Voice typing is integrated Docs in Chrome browser and allow the user to speak to type….

Digital Bytes August 31, 2015

This week’s Digital Bytes includes a Google presentation about teaching photography to students, an article on the benefits of using your iPad as a document camera and an article about Reggio Inspired Mathematics.

Digital Bytes August 24, 2015

This week’s digital bytes includes articles about using safari reader view to get rid of distractions on webpages, 14 essential search tips for students when using Google and teachers sharing their thoughts on how to develop student digital portfolios.

Which tool is right for the job? Presentation edition

I often get asked which presentation software is best.  Here’s the definitive answer: it depends. Of course it’s best to drive nails with a hammer, but more than once, growing up on the farm, we’d grab whatever was at hand. It turns out that a rock, a crescent wrench, and Vice-grips can all get the…

Finding your class details on CMIS

The start of the school year brings with it a new class and new lists to remember. As a teacher, all of the information you need to know about your new class is available to you if you know where to look. Simply log in to the UWCSEA website and then go to the CMIS page….

Digital Bytes: Back to School

Welcome back to school! We are kicking off our Digital Bytes with an article about Classroom Design that Promotes Student Thinking, iPad activities to get to know your students, and our in-house resources about Designing Effective Presentations.

Designing Effective Presentations

Every educator today needs to learn how to present effectively. But how much do they know about what makes an effective presentation? Garr Reynolds, author of the popular book Presentation Zen Design, notes: “For many of us, there is a hole in our education when it comes to visual communication… In the past, the tools…

Digital Bytes 15th June 2015

In the last Digital Bytes for the academic year, we feature: – Why Wunderlist Works – an app to manage task lists collaboratively;– The 10 Most Valued Work Skills in 2020; and– Apps that help limit time on the iPad. All the best for a wonderful end to the year.

Why Wunderlist Works

My colleague Dave and I work on many collaborative tasks. Our antiquated system for managing these tasks was a post-it note that Dave kept on his desk, that we would occasionally look at and cross things off. Our MS/HS colleagues Adrienne and Jeff had been talking up using Wunderlist to stay on top of their…