SUNDAC: Last session before winter break LO1

When I find myself in the time and position that I am currently in right now, I am forced to reflect on all the experiences that I have had.  Although its only been about half a year with the clients, I already notice the progression of friendships, trust and fine motor skills. The first time I had ever had an interaction with the clients was when we visited the SUNDAC centre at Ang Mo Kio, and I was exposed to such a different environment, one that I had never experienced before.  I remember when my classmates and I were preparing for our first session, which was run by my group and I. I remember feeling very nervous, I didn’t know what to expect. When the day came, the clients and my classmates were all quite nervous. It wasn’t that we didn’t trust each other or didn’t want to communicate, but rather we didn’t want to get the wrong message across. Some of the clients were very quite in the beginning and didn’t want to communicate verbally with me, but as time went on and sessions continued, we would speak and communicate more. Eventually, we became friends and remember details about each other and our interactions went from having too much time to having too little. I thought this was an important part to mention, and since I won’t be seeing the clients for the next few weeks, since we’re on winter break, I thought it was a good time to reflect on the past and make sure that I can improve for the future. As of today, we carried out the same activities as we normally do. We go to hawkers, then play some games in the library, and finish off with some physical activities. However, during the library activities, I was asked to go up to the service office to pick up a box. I didn’t really know what for, but I still went anyways. When I got to the office, I remember seeing a pretty large cardboard box, which was quite heavy. I carried the box down back to the library. When I got back, my teacher told me it was a gift for the clients. Inside, there were a range of items, from stationary supplies to food.  The clients accepted the gift and we filmed their reactions.

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