How does ‘Rumours of War’ represent a ‘monumentally unequal America’

Wiley’s creates a piece of work that addresses the issue in America of monuments.  Around America there are many statues of dead civil war heroes in public places for everybody to see. Most of these people being glorified used to own slaves. Our society’s values have changed since those times, therefore, Wiley confronts the idea that these old monuments should remain up as he believes it is not what their city represents.

Looking at the statue itself, it consists of a black sitter on top of a horse.  Black sitters have rarely ever been subject to power in monuments such as these in the past, so by choosing a black subject and placing him on top of this massive horse with a strong and confident posture, it empowers the black community which typically are underrepresented in monuments.  Wiley proves that monuments with black sitters can be as beautiful as any other monuments. Furthermore, the statue itself is massive and requires the viewer to literally look up at it. By making it so grand, Wiley is making the statement this monument and this sitter is powerful, which collides with the traditional views of black people being undervalued ultimately representing an unequal America.

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Personality Quiz

Recently in PSE, we spent a lesson doing a personality quiz by Truity.

I feel that it is important to properly understand your strengths and preferences in order to figure out what you want to do as a career in the future.

The results I got were ENTJ, ENTP, and INTJ

The one that I resonate most with is “The Inventor”, I disagree with the others because I feel I am not a very logical thinker.  Also, I looked up the careers that work well with the other results I got and none of them particularly interested me (accounting manager, budget manager, financial analyst etc)

However, the career options that work well with the ENTP personality type sparked some interest with me (Film producer, lawyer, stock trader). I decided to research more into this personality type.

ENTP generally have Visionary personalities because of their passion for new, innovative ideas.

  • Extroverted: Enjoys spending time with others
  • Intuitive: Focused on facts and details rather than facts and details
  • Thinking: Makes decisions based on logic and reasoning
  • Perceiving:  Prefers to be spontaneous and flexible rather than planned and organised

I found out that most famous people that share this personality type are actors, which I found interesting.


LO4-Show commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences. 

While being taught how to make pots in this activity, I realized that naturally, I am not very good at arts and crafts. Usually, I end up with something quite messy and fragile even if I take my time with it to make it look elegant and well-made like others. I noticed that while working on my pots that I often compared their level of quality to the pots I saw around me, making me quite demotivated and as a result put less effort into my work and got worse results. That’s when I remembered this quote “Compare Yourself to Who You Were Yesterday, Not to Who Someone Else is Today” – John C. Maxwell, and decided to just focus on my own progress and see what I could improve on.

I started brainstorming ideas for what I could do, I wanted to create something unique and fun that I would be proud of. I recalled an instance from a few years back when I attempted to make a cereal bowl out of clay. The idea behind it was instead of just pouring the milk directly into the cereal, it goes around it down a slope to make the experience more fun. While the idea was cool, I wasn’t able to execute it that well as shown in the photo below.

Based on this idea, I decided to do something of a similar fashion and create a cereal bowl where the milk goes down in a spiral motion from the top into the cereal. I wanted this to be bigger and better than last time, so after getting it approved by my teachers I decided to create a demo version to get some practice.


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