Improving Writing Skills

I recently wrote an essay for English and wanted to make some notes here for what I could improve on to make sure I am developing my capabilities as a writer.

I feel like I got some creative ideas about the scene I was focusing on, but I didn’t have a strong overarching argument to put it all together, instead, I was pushing for varied points surrounding a  large concept that ultimately felt vague and disorganized. I would like to establish a clear, specific focus when writing my next essay and develop this one argument throughout each paragraph.

I also felt like I didn’t analyze my quotations that well, as I kind of deviated from the standard Point, Evidence, Explanation format recommended for writing essays. I would like to practice completely sticking to this guide.

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LO3-Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

In season 2 of this activity, I was able to carry out my plan of making a unique cereal bowl after creating a demo version. The idea was to create a spiral on the top as a passageway for the milk to travel down to the cereal, and then have an opening in the front for the person to eat out of.


After reflecting on this demo version, I realized that this pot was going to need to be significantly larger to have any practical value and be able to fit a regular-sized spoon. Many problems arose. The overall design looked unattractive and confusing, you couldn’t even tell it was a cereal bowl. The milk wouldn’t properly go down the intended pathway as the slope was not very smooth. And there wasn’t a way to keep cereal inside in the first place! – how could I overlook this major flaw.

So I went back to the drawing board and came up with a modified design, and immediately got started (time seemed to go by much quicker each lesson maybe cause I had a goal). I asked for some advice from my pottery teachers and I learned the ‘coiling technique’ for making sure larger pots are stable.

It was a lot more time-consuming and tedious than the pinching technique which I normally used, but necessary for what I wanted to create.

After creating all the coils. I placed them on top of each other securely through the ‘score and slip’ method. Smoothening it all out was probably the hardest part of the full process.

I created the slope as a separate piece, allowing you to take it off in order to add more cereal. I had to make sure that it fits securely on the bowl though which was very challenging, but eventually, I got it to work.

I was actually very proud of my results, considering the complexity of the idea. There are a few issues, such as there not being enough space for the cereal without it actually falling out – but nevertheless, I’m glad I followed through with this plan as it feels great seeing my ideas come into reality. I really enjoyed my two seasons here at the pottery club.

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MINDS Tampines #2

LO6-Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

For the second season of MINDS service, we gained a lot more experience organizing sessions for our clients and learning about the global implications of these issues. Prior to this service, I never really thought about the unique challenges that disabled people face every day in society. I always understood that there exist more hurdles for mentally challenged individuals to overcome throughout their lives, but realizing them in a modern-day context – fewer employment opportunities, lack of accommodation at work and public transportation – really made me commiserate. It’s already such a daunting task to manage your life effectively today, I couldn’t imagine how isolated and scared those with special needs feel. I am very grateful for organizations such as MINDS Tampines that attempt to solve this large but often overlooked issue, it truly is incredible and useful what they do. Practicing their social, independent, and recreational skills, we are making other people on this planet happier, and realizing that makes me fulfilled and proud. I feel that after understanding the global significance of this issue I am more empathetic towards those with special needs. I realize that throughout my life I haven’t had much experience communicating with intellectually disabled people. I think this is something that needs to be talked about more so instead of feeling uncomfortable or alarmed, we feel caring and understanding in their presence.

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