Month: August 2019

Can texts ever truly be representative of groups of people?

I don’t think that a text can ever fully represent a group, places are just too diverse to represent everyone. When you are trying to have a proper story you can’t include everyone especially in cases where it wouldn’t make sense to. You’re not going to be able to please everyone and someone will feel underrepresented. A text can get close to it if someone who has written it has experienced it, or in the case of crazy rich Asians may have lived like that. But if you try to include everyone, in the end, it seems like no one is actually represented.

I think you are allowed to represent a group if you have experienced the culture or are from that place. Like the Asian director and authour in Crazy Rich Asians, because they actually understand the culture and have grown up with it. It is not some sort of guess based off of stereotypes and other texts. It would also be more widely accepted as they could write things in that may be true to real life but if done by someone from another background would be deemed as racist by the community. However, even in doing this some people still aren’t going to be happy and not all people will feel like they identify with it. But at the end of the day, it’s only a text so I don’t really see why people get so worked up about it.

Maths an Me

My Name is Jake Gates, I did IGCSE at UWC. I do like Maths even though I haven’t been the best at it at times. In my 2 years of GCSE, I had mixed results in Maths but didn’t like my teacher too much. I am slightly anxious about IB Maths but think I will enjoy it more as it’s more specific to what I like to do. I would put myself in the middle of the spectrum because I feel I hold onto the knowledge more when I struggle but do like to be taught what to do first. My biggest strength in Maths is critical thinking.

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