Month: September 2019

LO 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I can identify my own strengths and develop areas for growth. In season one I joined the U19A football team, identifying my skills to make the highest level of team. So far we have played in one 7-aside tournament, in which we came 3rd, and played 3 11-aside games. Of which we’ve won 1 lost 2 and drawn 1. I am continuing to develop in preparation for SEASAC selection, which is the highest tier of school football possible. I am able to identify my areas for growth which have allowed me to grow as a player over the early part of this season and will continue to do so over the full course. Reflecting after the games and watching back videos have helped me to identify my strengths and weaknesses so that I am self-aware in those aspects. Starting the early games on the bench, I have broken into the starting lineup now as I have managed to identify what areas of my game needed to improve.

My Cultural Appropriation

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