Month: April 2020

Stress, Worry and Anxiety Are All Different. How Do You Cope With Each?

I knew before reading this that stress, worry and anxiety were all different things. For me I definitely do all of them but usually I am able to stop before I cycle through all of them, I think anxiety is a long term thing in my opinion. For me for it to be anxiety it would have to be over a period of time. Stress is usually associated with school work for me but worry can happen at any time about anything really.

What songs are important right now?

I don’t think any song can be universally important to everyone, it’s just up to you what music you prefer. My favourite songs aren’t on the top 25 list and I don’t think listening to any of the songs on that list are important to me. Especially not number 11 from the Cats soundtrack. Which still haunts me after watching the film. I found my favourite songs through just looking Spotify or having people share bands and artists with me and listening to it on my own. I think in most of my favourite songs I like the beat and music to it and the lyrics just fit into it. In some cases the persons personality adds to it, but I have never started to listen to someone based off their personality alone.

Is It Immoral to Increase the Price of Goods During a Crisis?

I think it is quite immoral for people to raise the price of goods during a crisis, considering it is at a time when people are at their lowest and probably are willing to pay anything for what they need. Times like the current one we are in I think it is very immoral especially as lots of people are losing their jobs or at the very least their income has been lowered substantially. I can see why people do it but I don’t think its the best thing to do when everyone is in the same boat and it is even worse to increase the price if one country is unaffected and the other is like we have seen in the past.

How can we help one another during the coronavirus outbreak?9

How can we help one another during the coronavirus outbreak? What can you, your friends, family and community do to look out for one another?


I think the biggest thing for everyone is to stay in contact with their friends and family, online of course. As humans we need some social contact and especially in a difficult time like this when we could have family and friends directly effected by the virus it is vital to keep talking to people that you normally would. As well as offering extra support to your friends. As highlighted in the article I think during these few months people have certainly come together to help each other like I, personally, haven’t seen before. It is times like these when the good comes out in the people that can make a difference. But from a community point of view it is the same for the people you don’t know as the ones you do and it’s just to be nice as everyone is effected in some way. And while we are all experiencing the same thing, people are dealing with it differently and in the community I think we all need to be more understanding of each other.

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