Month: November 2020

LO 3: Project week

Project week is a CAS experience, we did not get to go on our planned trip due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, we were able to plan the whole trip before COVID happened. This worked on my critical thinking and collaboration and communication skills, as I worked with a group of my friends Luca, Oli, James and Calum. The planning was difficult and I learnt a lot about myself as I had to budget. The budget of $1000 was the hardest part of the trip to plan as it required careful planning which is an area that I needed to grow when planning the trip.

LO 2: Project Week

Project Week was difficult to plan, I had never planned anything like that before and it was a new experience for me. I developed new skills throughout the planning process like budgeting, which for this was very important as we only had a budget of $1000. This made planning hard and I needed to use my critical thinking skills in order to achieve it. A major challenge was also all the safety requirements we had to have in place which made it harder to plan and was challenging as I just wanted to plan and book things. But we had to slow down the process to fill all of the school’s requirements.

LO 7: Grade 12 Football

Now that the football season is basically over and we did not get an actual season, while I may be upset that we were not able to play properly especially since I narrowly missed out on SEASAC last year and this was my last chance as it is my last year. I understand that the greater picture of COVID is much more important than a football season, as someone who has experienced the effects of a family member catching the virus I understand how important it is that we limit the spread and keep to the restrictions that are in place for a reason even though we may not particularly like it, it is just something for the time being we need to put up with as it is for ethical and moral reasons that we keep to the rules.

LO 5: Grade 12 Football

As mentioned in the previous reflection football is very different, the restrictions have not opened up and unfortunately, the same challenges are still present, however. It has given me a chance to meet and play with people who I previously would have not played with. It has given me the chance to work collaboratively with others and improve both myself and maybe for them to also improve themselves. I can identify the benefits of working collaboratively now especially with COVID it is much easier when everyone works together to keep inside the restrictions rather than an individual just trying to enforce the regulations.

LO 2: Grade 12 Football

Football this year is very different from last year. The football activity has changed like most things due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the restrictions the government have put in place. It meant that we did not get an actual season and while I’m very hopeful at some point we will for the moment we are not going to get one. This was a big challenge as we can’t train like we normally would and in fact, teams aren’t even selected this year. But this has allowed me to develop some more critical thinking skills because we have to try and work around these restrictions while still following them. This can prove difficult sometimes however it is a challenge I can overcome. Hopefully, restrictions open up soon before the end of the football season making it a lot easier to play.

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