Month: January 2021

LO 6: Project Week

Our project week trip was to Laos, we planned to spend the week at an elephant conservation centre to not only educate ourselves about the conservation of animals but also to help out around the centre. This is a global problem and all members of the group were very aware of the looming risks of animal extinction and the reasons these animals need to be protected. In my opinion, it is one of the most important issues ongoing currently and it should definitely be considered globally significant. We wanted to visit one of the places where work is being done to save these animals and trying their best to offset the issues that they face.

LO 5: Project Week

I demonstrated skills of working collaboration as when planning project week it was much more beneficial to communicate with your group and work together in order to get something done rather than taking on the responsibility completely on your own. We all had different skills and levels of experience when it came to planning trips so working together was the best way of effectively achieving our goals and actually planning the trip on time and in the proper way. This collaboration was not only more effective but more fun for me personally which is a personal benefit as it made me want to do more work as I enjoyed working and talking to my friends while planning the trip.

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