Christina Lau had an accident while in Malaysia on a holiday and was left paralysed from the chest down. Now she is a mouth painter and a motivational speaker. Her presentation was very short as she only talked for about 10 minutes. It was hard for us to ask questions as most of what she said was around attitude and how to change it. Although her story was interesting it was too short and vague to get information out of it. If she had given specific examples instead of just a wide moment and only showing us a few pieces of artwork and a 13-second video to show what she did, this left us to ask question like “What do you paint,” and meant there was no deeper meaning to be explored unlike the other speakers that we had like Danny Tan and Steve Dawson. I liked to story and it could have been a great presentation but the presenting side wasn’t the most entertaining, whether that is because of the fact that over this fortnight we have listened to amazing speakers like Mukul Deva, she didn’t really shine.

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