Family Festival Cancellation

Unfortunately, due to the 2019-nCoV situation or Coronavirus, the school has decided to cancel all gatherings of over 40 people until August 2020. This was decided by the Singapore government in support of international crisis management. It is quite disappointing as the Family Festival is an exciting and important opportunity for us as a GC. The implications include:

  • Major finance and fund opportunity lost
  • A lost opportunity to sell our products

Project Week


As the culminating outdoor education experience at UWCSEA is Project Week in Grade 11 when small groups of students plan their own trips that combine adventure and service, and they travel to a site in the region unaccompanied. South-East Asian countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam and Cambodia are the most popular destinations. 

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Initial Reflection and Moving Forward for 2019/2020

November 12th, 2019

It is now the 6th session of Gili Eco Trust in the 2019 – 2020 academic year, and a lot of the initial set-up has been completed. 

Our first session on the 10th of September involved a basic overview of both the GC and the NGO. The leaders summarized their aims and their methods. For example, they explained what biorock is, and why helping the Gili islands is so important. They also gave us the link to the Gili Eco Trust NGO website. Continue reading “Initial Reflection and Moving Forward for 2019/2020”

Swimdonesia 2019

On October 11th, 2019, we, along with Jakarta Street Kids and Surf Aid hosted the Swimdonesia event of 2019. This event went considerably better than last year, as we were more prepared and improved on our mistakes from last year. However, there were still issues and problems we faced. To reflect on this, we can use the SWOT Analysis or Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats.

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Family Festival

On the 14th of March, UWCSEA East campus hosted the annual Family Festival. Gili Eco Trust participated in the event by selling merchandise and helping out the zero waste stall by washing dirty dishes and leasing out plates, bowls and cutlery. This was aimed to reduce waste at the event.

This was one of our best years at the event as we were able to sell a lot of our merchandise. However, it is still important to constantly strive for improvement which will be presented in the following SWOT Analysis. Continue reading “Family Festival”

Swimdonesia Reflection

In October we had an event called Swimdoneisa together with Surf Aid and Jakarta Street Kids to raise money for our respective Global Concerns. During Swimdonesia Gili Eco Trust was responsible for the managing of the obstacle course named “The Destroyer”, and selling our merchandise and products throughout the event by the pool.
Overall, the event was a success, barring a few minor issues. The pool obstacle was a massive success and was managed really well by us despite the huge amounts of people in line to go on this obstacle. It was a lot better than last year when almost no one came and all the activities that we had did not work during the event. It was better this time as we learned from our mistakes and took steps to improve. We planned a lot further in advance and so we were completely ready when the event came. We tried to get as many people to the event from our school event through the use of posters, to presentations and E-briefs. Thus, this event was much more heard of in the community this time than last time. In addition, we had this pool obstacle from Dover which we did not have last time. This was probably the main focus of the event, which made it very popular.  

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