Aunt Julia and Chuck Close self portrait

2 portraits and how it connects to the global issue – Art, Creativity, and Imagination

The 2 portraits

  • Chuck Close self-portrait in 1968
  • Aunt Julia (love story/ writing) self-portrait in Aunt Julia and the scriptwriter

Chuck Close

  • His looks more realistic – just enlarging his face – not changing anything
  • the “truth” just looks bigger up close
  • makes you realise what hes going through
  • want to change the way people see him as – might be taken for granted as he seems like such a happy person (could be a mask hes trying to hide behind – tired of pretending)
  • having it up close allows people to see missing details


Aunt Julia

  • Although she is a real, the story seems slightly exaggerated
  • She’s a divorce and is in her late 30s -> gets together with her nephew Mario who is 18
  • when describing ones ex it could go 2 ways – that the ex is a horrible person or a nice person
  • depending on how the relationship ends tells us why they may have described the ex that way – if it was a mutual thing they wont have anything bad to say but if it ended on a bad note, it could be exaggerated to make the ex seem like a terrible person and this plays with peoples emotion
  • since they ended on a mutual thing – shes described as a lovely person and she has a soft spot in Marios heart – like he is going through his life and memories with her

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