
I find the poem Medusa one of my favourite poetry done by Carol Ann Duffy. I think it might be because I found her powers well in this case curse to turn living things to stone cool. However when reading it, I felt a bit of sympathy towards her. Having done some prior research, Medusa […]

When Cupid Is a Prying Journalist

This text is not organized AT ALL like any fiction or non-fiction you have been taught to do for the IGCSE or other school tasks.  Mark it into three sections (Beginning, Middle, & End). Does it have a thesis —a guiding idea— that the anecdotes and details support or prove or give nuance for? If […]

Aunt Julia and Chuck Close self portrait

2 portraits and how it connects to the global issue – Art, Creativity, and Imagination The 2 portraits Chuck Close self-portrait in 1968 Aunt Julia (love story/ writing) self-portrait in Aunt Julia and the scriptwriter Chuck Close His looks more realistic – just enlarging his face – not changing anything the “truth” just looks bigger […]

New words

caricature description, or imitation of a person in which certain striking characteristics are exaggerated in order to create a comic or grotesque effect enjambment the continuation of a sentence without a pause beyond the end of a line, couplet, or stanza caesura pause in the middle on the line (coma/ full stop) lineation how lines […]


Transformation is kind of like rewriting/ viewing a story in a different way. Such as the 3 little pigs – piglets were the victims and the wolf was evil however there is another version where the wolf was the victim being attacked by the piglets. What happens when a face is rendered at 9 times […]