CAS Reflection – Pre-Season Touch Rugby (LO2&LO5)

For the first season, I decided to do pre-season touch. I think it’s a good opportunity to get to know people from other grades and step out of my comfort zone. I think playing sports at school is a really fun experience since you get to exercise, while also having fun with your friends.

I have never played touch before so I thought it’d be a good skill to learn in my second last year of school. I think trying new things is important as it helps you learn more about yourself and grow as a person. In this season, I discovered that I actually like touch, and I wish I knew that earlier on. To add, it taught me that I’m capable of more, therefore I am more confident in myself when it comes to trying new things. I am going to try out for touch in season 2 in order to develop my skills.

Furthermore, collaborating is a crucial aspect in touch since you have to have a flow with your teammates when playing. I met a lot of 10th and 9th graders due to touch and I think that school is so much more fun when you have friends who aren’t in your grade.

In order for us to successfully work together as a team, we came up with agreed-upon goals which include being supportive,  encourage one another and having open communication with each other, as well as our coach. Individual contributions are recognised since most of us have never played touch before and we are all committed to improving and developing skills.

I’m really looking forward to the rest of this season and for season 2 where I get to play touch competitively.

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