Incredible Edibles

Urban gardening in the heart of our campus

Who are we?

We are Incredible Edibles! Two middle school and one High School college service teams who meet on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdaya after school to tend the gardens at school and grow things to eat.

The Monday team

The Wednesday team

The Thursday team

Here are some stories from our blog

Cleaning Up and Replanting

This week with our new group of Incredible Edible-ers we decided the aeroponic needed a big cleanout. The students worked together to empty it and got their hand's dirty scrubbing the debris.

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3 weeks of aeroponic growth : Update

About three weeks ago our aeroponic tower was installed with small shoots of veggies such as Pak Choy, Thai basil and even eggplant! Three weeks on and it's just about overgrown. The rate at which these vegetables are growing is faster than we've ever seen on campus,...

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Happy plants

Thanks to the person who added a smile to our aubergine plant in the hydroponics tower last week. Spreading joy through nature!

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I never knew!

Tenisha 9AFi During Incredible edible I learned about the composting process in our school as I took part in it one session, before this service I never knew how our school discarded excess leaves or plant based waste. Another thing I learnt was about weeding and how...

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Pure outdoors

Hanseol Kang (9FYA) I had some enjoyable moments such as cutting down trees, watering plants and much more.  Well, now I know how to distinguish weeds from plants, some amazing techniques to cut down banana trees and a lot of different ways to water plants. Not...

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Always Fun!

Seoyeon Lauren Kim, Grade 10 Ava, FIB.: As the first service since I came to this school, Incredible Edible was a very rewarding experience to me. I have learned many new things and skills not only about gardening and plants, but also have I learned many things about...

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Deeper connections

Tsz Kei MOK Jasmine ,10HXi :  This is the first service I had at this UWC, Incredible Edible is truly an experience. It was an experience not many people could experience. We would gather after school, go down to the garden and start gardening. We learnt about how to...

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Nature’s cycle

Yasheng Jiang(10HXi): This service is called “ Incredible Edible”. It is really incredible that we did so many things on the campus such as cutting down the banana tree and papaya tree, weeding the plants and composting the dead parts of the plant. There is a cycle in...

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The “Monkey Bar” for the Beans

Like anything that is placed in the garden, the monkey bars are made and placed for a specific reason. The purpose of the Monkey Bars is to aid or assist the beans to grow up instead of growing on each other. For the structure we made 3 poles holding the roof part of...

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My Experience with Incredible Edible By Yonatan Carmon

One notable part of my experience in Incredible Edible this year has been teaching people who are new to the service about things in the garden. This is my second year in this service and my third year in a gardening service. Some of the things I’ve helped teach are;...

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My Gardening Experience

Over the months of gardening (one season), my knowledge and experience of gardening have both grown. From the start, I did not know what to do and had no experience in gardening. I started to learn and concentrate on how to garden correctly, I really enjoyed it....

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The importance of gardening

Over the months of gardening I realized how important it is to have a garden because it provides healthy food in a way that is sustainable. The food is made in our school and is grown with our hands. It also makes us go out more into the sunlight and make something...

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Special Projects

Community Fair 2019

We will be selling herb pots at the community fair

Advisor group challenge

Can you keep your herb alive?

Trip to visit Citizen Farm

We are planning a visit to Citizen farm

Herb gardens

We are hoping to make herb gardens for our community

A tour round our garden

Why did we join Incredible Edibles? (2019-20)

I joined Incredible Edible because I want to help save nature and I like growing plants.


I joined Incredible Edibles because I love to plant and I care a lot about plants and when I was younger I used to plant in India.


I joined Incredible Edibles because I’ll get the opportunity to learn a lot about planting and growing foods since I haven’t had much past experience. Also, I want to contribute to preserving nature by gardening. 


I joined Incredible Edibles because when I was little I loved to dig holes and garden.


Edible Jokes

Why aren't bananas ever lonely?

… because they hang out in bunches.

What do veggies say on their birthday?

Lettuce celebrate!

What makes some plants better at math than others?

Square roots!

What do you call a garden nursery?

Plant Parenthood!

What do you call a nervous tree?

A sweaty palm!

How do plants practice self-care?

They try to weed out unnecessary drama!

What is the strongest vegetable?

A muscle sprout!

What do you call a retired vegetable?

A has bean!

What did the father tomato say to the baby tomato whilst on a family walk?
