The Clover, The Dog, and The Tree

When examining each card one by one, starting with the clover, the association with luck and good fortune stands out, however, this is often a short burst of luck and not necessarily a lifetime of prosperity. Ensuing this, I interpreted the dog in two ways, firstly as a companion, not in the sense of a romantic interest but rather a lifelong good friend. Alternatively, I connect the dog to a pursuit or a chase, the desire to follow something wholeheartedly with good intentions. Finally, to me, the tree symbolised a feeling of sustained longterm growth and a sturdy foundation in the form of roots which provides for itself, but it’s strong enough to provide for others in the form of shade or bears fruit for others to enjoy. Interestingly, the concept of long-term growth from the tree contrasts that of the short burst effect of the clover.

How does this relate to me?

Starting with the clover, perhaps this is a sign of good things to come, with luck on my side for future endeavours. The dog implies that this is possibly good luck for what I dire and am currently in the pursuit of, which would currently be chasing good academic results. This ties into the tree, ultimately showing growth and that in the end, I achieve my goal, perhaps as a tree that bears fruit, and can provide or help others along the way.

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