CAS Looking into the Future

In Grade 12, I plan to work with a couple of my friends on a creative project for CAS: making an RPG game. Right now our goal is to create a demo (which will be a shorter and simplified version of the full game) by April 2021. However, I think we would all like to finish the full game, hopefully by the time we graduate.

Personally, I think I will continue participating in Inkling because I need to be motivated to write more.

I’m not sure what activity I will take while we are still social distancing due to Covid-19. If possible, I’d continue with my Grade 11 activity, Taekwondo.

For service, I’m thinking of changing one more time and taking Green Fingers (? I think that was the name of the service). I remember taking the Thursday lunch session in IGCSE. Because lunch isn’t very long, we didn’t do that much but the work we did is something I believe I would be interested in continuing. I don’t want to continue my Grade 11 service because it takes place way too late in the day.