Equality Focus Reflection (LO 7 Ethics)

In Equality Focus, we are planning to open an Info Session and Panel this year.

I don’t think we have decided on a topic, but the possible ones are: general information, coming out, and problems faced by the LGBTQ+ community in Singapore. The first topic was suggested because it would allow the audience to feel free to ask what they really want to know instead of restricting them to a specific topic. If we went with this topic, I think we would direct the Info Session and Panel to 8th graders, who are starting to seriously explore their identity, and 9th graders. The second topic was suggested because it is a common question that people like to ask, for both queer people and non-members of the community. This would make the session more focused on the panelists rather than the presentation. However, I think this would be more focused on students who are questioning their gender and/or sexual identity, or queer students who are “in the closet”. The last topic would place the focus of the session on advocacy and bringing awareness to domestic homophobia and transphobia. This topic can be directed for a wider audience, but we would probably concentrate on advertising the event to high school students because they would be better equipped to handle this topic and have a serious discussion.

Due to Covid 19, we decided to have a Zoom session instead of doing it in-person. This brings up many problems, mostly for students. One of the problems last year was that lunch time was too short to have the session, so we planned to have the Info Session and Panel after school. However, if we have a Zoom session, it could expose students to their parents that they are either in the LGBTQ+ community or interested in it. Not all parents may be very accepting or welcoming of such a development. Some parents are also very strict, so even if students decide to stay after school to have the Zoom session, they may still get into trouble with their parents. This might make a portion of the student population unwilling or reluctant to participate in the Info Session and Panel.