Collaborative Project Class 1 Reflection and Notes

“They sat for years”

“It grew dark outside or it seemed to be dark, there must have been something wrong with the sun”

Initial thoughts

– Knowing something is wrong, but doing nothing about it

– Waiting

  • Two types of waiting: waiting for something bad to happen to get it over with, or waiting for something good to happen and being excited to experience it

– Death

  • Not just physical, but also metaphorical (death of a passion, death of a former self, etc)
  • Old man waiting to die?

– Time

– Refugees


– “It seemed to be dark” indicates uncertainty

– “It grew dark” indicates gradual change

– “Something wrong with the sun”; I find it weird that the immediate reaction is the blame the sun

– Entirety of second quote: seems surreal; could be style of piece


– Different outlook, same outcome; one has a pessimistic view and the other is optimistic, but they both end up in the same place; negative ending

– Want to focus on waiting, anticipation

– Overall, want a dark atmosphere/tone

– Usage of frame, the smaller one or the door frame; be careful in choosing prop

– Refugees: could have cool actions/movements for boat or ocean

  • Use some of the movements in the Red Leap video

– Waiting could also be related to not moving forward or thinking too much of the recent past to actual take any action

– Waiting sometimes indicates inevitability; so we could do something to relate to fate

  • Someone knows something bad is going to happen but wants to change it?
  • Maybe two people know something is going to happen, but one tries to stop it from happening while the other just continues on with their day or is excited for it because they think it’s a good thing, and in the end, they are both negatively affected by it but in different ways
  • The first one is affected by the event but in a manner different from the way they thought
  • While for the second optimistic one, the event just turns out to harm them somehow

– For some reason, just makes me think of the short story The Lottery; the waiting in this case would be 1) not wanting to participate because it’s horrible or 2) thinking it’s good and beneficial but ends up being the sacrificial lamb in the end