Kahaani 2018/2019 (Initial + Final)

Initial post:

This is my third and last year joining Kahaani. For the previous two years I was involved in Kolkata GC, so I had worked on the planning of the performance, however this year I am not part of the GC. I think not being in the GC but still part of the show makes me realise how the message of the show may not be understood as well as I had previously thought (when I was still in the GC). This year, despite knowing that the plot has something to do with Cinderella, I am still not entirely sure how each dance contributes/connects to the message. From the early rehearsals of my specific dance, emphasis on why we are doing this was not placed at all. I think that it is a very valuable lesson, to experience being both the organiser and one of the people whom the organiser is organising it for. Because ultimately, the show isn’t to bring awareness to just the audience members but also the dancers involved. In doing so, I can feedback to my friends who are still part of the GC and let them know that perhaps for future years, the first rehearsal for all dances should include the leaders of the dance explaining the message behind their particular dance, so that it’s not just a dance performance for fun, but rather a dance performance that actually raises awareness. In terms of the actual dance rehearsal, I am really enjoying it. I have gotten much more used to the Indian (in particular Bhangra) style of dancing. However it requires a lot of energy and so I think I will have to be prepared to still be able to commit to the level of enthusiasm needed, even on days where I am feeling particularly tired.

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