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Month: February 2018

Writer’s Fortnight 2018: Christina Lau

I used to think…but now I think… OR I was expecting…but came to learn that…

Before the session, I thought that it was going to be about another story with a triumph over tragic (TOT) story. And this time I was right. Christina after sustaining a spinal injury in a car accident in 2005 in Malaysia which left her paralyzed neck down, fell into a deep depression due to herself feeling like she was a burden as she states “(When my parents visited me, it became) my first time seeing (them) tear up.”

After lifting herself up, she turned to art as a hobby and ping pong as a competitive hobby. It was great to see how much confidence she now has and what


How a small pep talk from Danny Raven Tan changed my views

When faced with death, people can become either pessimistic, cynical, wiser or have courage. And Danny Raven Tan has them all as he shares some of his experience with us.

The push that he needed to be who he is today

In 2010 when Danny Raven Tan was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, cancer that is normally only detected at its final stages, he was devastated and had fallen into depression. But sometimes, it’s when you are at the darkest that you become the brightest.

Inquiry Factory

  • Why did you choose to draw instead of something else like singing? Ping pong instead of basketball
  • Why in the first place do you not spend time with your family?
  • What is the fine line of being rude and being concerned?
  • Would you considered ?
  • Some children/students are facing pressure from their parents to study subjects such as accounting like when you were younger. What advice would you have for them?

I know about ‘taste setters’, ‘cool hunters’ and ‘filter bubbles’ but still believe that I control what’s cool.

I am aware that there are such things as ‘filter bubbles’ and ‘cool hunting’, but I still think I am in control of what I believe to be ‘cool’. After all, people still have different preferences in what they like or not.

For example, there was the fidget spin craze. There were advertisements everywhere at one point and people ‘battling’ with their fidget spinners. There were people out there who have like a zillion fidget spinners, but there are also people out there who believes that it was not a necessity, thus not buying it.

If I have searched up the hunger games trilogy in my search engines, there would definitely be advertisements on it due to the existence of filter bubbles, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that I would be interested in buying them, after all, I might have just wanted a look at what it’s all about.

I believe that each person’s likes and dislikes are unique and that no two people are the same. And even if they are, they have them in a different ranking. I think that the ‘cool hunters’ are just a survey which gathers what majority of, in this case, teenagers’ believe is cool and would like to buy. So there is bound to be a minority that does not fall into the ‘category’

In conclusion, I still believe that I am in control what’s cool to me.

A Rushed Explanation of the Conwy River

Here are some river jokes:

* Where do fish keep their money? In river banks.

* Why didn’t the hipster swim in the river?  It was too mainstream.

* I like the scenery around river valleys.  Some are absolutely gorges.

You might think that you are tide of these river jokes and ponds and fish that it’s over, but you are actually just in de Nile.


Anyways, here’s the video

(I admit the pond was a little bit of a stretch)

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