Cognitive Approach – Recap the KF Case Study by Shallice and Warrington (1970) and explain how this also supports the Working Memory Model

KF suffered from a motorcycle accident which caused damage to his left region of the brain. He showed very poor digit span where he can only remember less than 2 items, but he was good at performing tasks that indict an intact long-term store. For example, he would still be able to store new information like learning a 10 word sequence in fewer trials than normal people and still be able to remember 7 of them some months later.

This study supports the working memory model as in the multi-store model, it suggests that STM holds limited amounts of information for short periods of time with relatively little processing. But in KF’s case, he was able to pull out the words from his long-term memory store. The working memory store suggests that instead of all information going into one single store, there are different systems for different types of information. However, the Multi-Store Model only shows that it is a unitary store which is not the case for KF as his memory in long-term store and short-term store are both ways.

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