Towards the end of Grade 8, I had a free slot for a subject that I could take in Grade 9 and 10. Graphic design was one of the subjects that looked really interesting and I wanted to try it out. Over the two year period doing Graphic Design, I have made many artworks using many different techniques and was able to produce complex things. The Graphic Design course was a lot of fun and I enjoyed using different applications such as Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. The skills that I have developed during this course was to be patient with my artworks and to not rush them. One of the artworks that I had made for my Mock Exams in December 2019 became a poster for my rugby club and printed copies to put around the school to advertise the club. I am really glad that I chose to do Graphic Design in high school and I hope to try out new things on Photoshop and Illustrator in the future.