
A tool for learning

How Science works?

In each section we shall learn breathing techniques and meditations to bring awareness into a certain question in Science. Then we look for patterns and relationships in nature to abstract the main ideas around this question. Finally we discuss how to apply our understandings in order to connect these patterns in a conceptual map or Matrix.

  •  what am i? …where am i? 20% 20%

In order to construct new learning, we need to be thinking about something .
Let us think about how we perceive the world around us.

How do we know where we are?

Ujjai Breath. How?

Ujjai Pranayama


When we notice patterns and relationships we abstract them from the context in which we have found them, and consider if there is a generalisation or principle at work. 

How does the energy from the universe enter our own body mind system?


How do we see and how do we hear?


Reflection of light

We assume that we see bodies, but in fact we only see light!

Refraction of light

Our eyes are provided with lenses to refract light and project an image in the retina that is upside down!

Sound is a mechanical wave

Sound needs air to propagate, This longitudinal wave is responsible to transferring the energy of sound to our brains


To test our ideas out, we apply our generalisation to a new context to see if it works there too, or if we need to adjust it in someway

How can we connect perception with the five elements of Nature? Does it make sense to all? Complete the first column of the matrix (perception)


  • What are we here for ? 45% 45%

In order to construct new learning, we need to be thinking about something
Let us think about what can we do with the energy that enters our body-mind system:

What is the difference between Energy and Work? What is an action?

Alternate Breath


When we notice patterns and relationships we abstract them from the context in which we have found them, and consider if there is a generalisation or principle at work

What are all our possible actions?


To test our ideas out, we apply our generalisation to a new context to see if it works there too, or if we need to adjust it in someway.

How can we connect the actions with the five elements? Does it make sense to all of us?

Complete the second column in the Matrix (Actions)

  • How are we connected to the Universe? 70% 70%

In order to construct new learning, we need to be thinking about something:

How does the systems inside the body work?

How does the systems outside the body work? 



When we notice patterns and relationships we abstract them from the context in which we have found them, and consider if there is a generalisation or principle at work:

Is there a connection between the cycles in the  Macro Cosmos (outside the body), the systems inside the body (Microcosmos) and the five elements of Nature?

Digestive system

The digestive system is the powerhouse of the body. It is related to the Fire element. It is only at certain temperature (37 C) that enzymes can work at its best to breakdown food.

Circulatory System

The circulatory system is responsible for transmitting the nutrients in the blood to every corner of the body. It is related to the water element since 97% of the plasma is water.

Nervous system

The nervous system is the electric system of the body. It is related to the space element, since all the pulses in the system are just charges that travel through space

Respiratory System

The respiratory system is responsible for bringing in the subtle energy from the air into the body. It is naturally connected to the Air element.

Muscular system & muscles

Muscles and Skeleton are responsible for the structure and movement of the body, these systems are the ones that connect us to the Earth and its gravitational field


To test our ideas out, we apply our generalisation to a new context to see if it works there too, or if we need to adjust it in someway:

Can we generalize our ideas about the macro cosmos, the micro cosmos and the five elements in a conceptual map or matrix? 

Complete the 3rd and 4th column of the Matrix (Micro & Macro Cosmos)

  • What is real? 100% 100%

In order to construct new learning, we need to be thinking about something:

What is REALITY? Why is it that many cultures (Hindu, Buddhist, etc) describe it as MAYA?


 When we notice patterns and relationships we abstract them from the context in which we have found them, and consider if there is a generalisation or principle at work:

Maya means “ALL WE CAN MEASURE”. This is in fact, what Physics is all about!

What is then the Physical world? 


To test our ideas out, we apply our generalisation to a new context to see if it works there too, or if we need to adjust it in someway:

Can we connect the different fields of Physics with the five elements of Nature? Can we all agree on this?

Complete the last column in the matrix after Yoga Nidra Meditation

Medicine of Mantras


Students Love it!

“I learnt the importance of Physics and why it is so important. Because I now understand that our lives are based around the things around us and not our bodies – I am building the basis of my learning and mindset to understand Physics on a deeper and more meaningful level than just for the number on a report card. I learnt what physics is and the 5 different elements, macro systems, micro systems, senses and actions”
D. O: Grade 12


Mindfulness sessions helped me create visuals of the topics studied in class so I could understand better. But apart from the learning topics, it helps me make sense of this world I live in. It makes me feel alive and active and sometimes shows me what I can be capable of and what I can become.

S. D: Grade 12


“Meditation allows me to open my mind to new concepts allowing for them to be absorbed quickly and efficiently. Meditation does this as your mind enters a state of total awareness, allowing for thoughts to just flow. This is why meditation has been something I always look forward to before starting a new topic. Mindfulness is something I think I would continue even past IB as now i’ve seen the potential it has. Overall, mindfulness in combination with conceptual learning is a great alliance and should be followed in order to fully understand physics and ultimately score well in this field of science”
IE: Grade 12


“Mindfulness is something I have fallen in love with. I watched videos about mindfulness and how it had helped people. I was bamboozled. I decided to try that by meditating on my own every night and waking up saying, “Sten, I love you”. I wanted to practice kind attention because 5 words from videos echo in my head, “What you practice grows stronger.” Whilst meditating, I focus on breathing and try to focus my attention on it. First, my mind just wandered off a lot, but now it is getting better. Since I started practicing mindfulness I have noticed some changes in my behavior; I am happier, kinder and more relaxed, less tired”
SL:Grade 12


“We got lost in doing, thinking, anticipating.
We have forgotten how to be.
To be still, to be ourselves.
To be where live is: HERE and NOW
Whenever you bring your attention to anything natural,
you step out of the prison of conceptualized thinking and to some extent participate in the state of connectivity with being in which everything natural still exists
Only when you are still inside you have access to the realm of stillness in which rocks plants and animals inhabit.
When human beings become still they go beyond thought. There is an added dimension of awareness in the stillness that is beyond thought.
Through you Nature becomes aware of itself”
(Eckhart tolle)