Discussion audio:

In the discussion, my final answer to this question was “no”. However, I do believe technology would be a good source to help people going through vulnerable times. Even if it’s a short term effect, this could save a person from depression, or perhaps even from committing suicide, crime and other possible issues that could happen during “difficult times”. Should we be completely disagreeing  to this question if technology can have such positive effects on us?

“People are losing the ability to feel bored.”

This is a quote from one of the portfolio posts I had read. This really struck me, and reminded me of the discussion about “Are Smartphones Making us Smarter?” in September. Boredom is scientifically proven to be very important as a moment for self-reflection. If technology is taking away are ability to be in “boredom”, I believe I would strongly disagree to the statement that technology helps us further understand about ourselves.

So, to conclude, my answer to this question in the title was “no” during the discussion, and still remains as that. However, technology could help improve people’s lives in numerous other ways. The question is, where should the border line should between relying on technology and not relying on technology, be laid?

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