
  I believe I was able to come up with a focus question and construct a thesis statement that which I clearly identified in the introduction. By having a clear introduction summarising my main points, I was able to move to close analysis more smoothly. However, I believe my conclusion can be developed, with stronger connections to global issues made. I also think I went into my concluding sentence too abruptly, which was because I did not have time in the end. In fact, I believe time management is something I need to work on. I spent the first 2 minutes introducing broad concepts and ideas, and had less time to deeply explore the 3 stills. To improve for next time, I would try to balance out the ratio between ideas and technical aspects. Each still must be explored more, and I also should have made the links to the themes and focus question more clearly. Furthermore, I believe the structure of my talk should be improved, so that I am not repeating the same statements and rehearse prior to the recording.  

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