LO5: Working together to achieve an outcome

LO6: Engaging with issues of global importance


Below is an additional short reflection I shared on the Voices for Refugees portfolio:

  Researching and preparing for Write for Rights allowed me to gain a better understanding of the issue we are addressing. First time leading a case study, it was challenging to manage time and the group, and I had so many learnings and personal gains from this experience. Participating in the actual event was a great reward for the hard work. My biggest highlight of the event would be writing my final letter, surrounded by everyone else as I was the last person. The sense of achievement I felt holding my red and tired hand is something I will not forget.

  24 hours of writing for human rights – Write for Rights really makes all the seemingly distant global issues a personal one. I think the biggest impact of the event is on those who took part. The learning from research and the sense of “taking part” during the event changed how I view the refugee crisis: from a complex crisis which controlled by the “ruling powers” of the world, to something I myself can take action and contribute to.


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