Final Reflection Session – Viva Voce

The main skill I developed while writing my Business Management EE was concise and precise writing. During the initial write-up, I struggled to focus on my RQ, what made the essay very descriptive. However, through adopting chains of analysis and evaluating my research, while constantly refining my paragraphs to create a succinct and effective argument, I was able to add depth to the discussion. Exceeding the word limit by 3000 words was a crucial step in my learning! This is a skill I can transfer to the work I do at university when studying Marketing.

While researching, I was surprised by the power of Apple iPhone’s brand loyalty, what led to a retained market leadership, despite Samsung Galaxy S8’s more significant innovation. This is something I would be interested in exploring further.

My advice to students who choose the same topic would be to include a variety of sources on market share, to ensure objectivity and accuracy in their conclusions. In addition, it is very important to present all financial and consumer perception findings in a visually clear manner, to avoid exceeding the word count.

(181 words)

Opera Singing Reflection #3

LO 1 Identifying own strengths and develop areas for personal growth

LO 2 Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

In the past few months Opera Singing has become an even bigger part of my extra-curricular life. As I will be participating in an upcoming concert, I try to spend at least twenty minutes every day to practice my vocal skills. I feel that I have reached a new level, where I become more independent in the development of my skills. This has given me a larger sense of maturity and self-confidence.

During the lessons, Ms.Novicova guides me in the more profound learning of how to make my voice richer and more open. Even though I can see that my voice is becoming more free and live, at times it feels that my progress is stalling. This is when I have to remind myself that at more advanced level, significant progress can only be achieved after a long period of consistent practice. This positive outlook on the situation helps to keep my frustration at bay, giving me more focus and a stronger sense of determination. As I’ve realized previously, I rejoice in the process, the journey in reaching yet another milestone. The battle of my will against the myriad of vocal technicalities gives me a sense of drive to move forward.

In the upcoming concert, I will be singing two new songs – “Vdol po Piterskoy” and “A Long Time Ago”. I really enjoy these compositions and strive to find “my way” of bringing them to life. The creativity that lies in the freedom to express my emotions and thoughts in my own, sparks interest in my heart, and creates a relentless force of progress.

I am very excited about the upcoming event, the main reason being is that I want to show myself the results of my perseverance and positive mindset. I want to grow as a person, by mastering my opera singing skills and filling my life with bright recollections of the journey I experienced. The lessons I take with Ms.Novicova and my individual learning has certainly contributed to what I like to call a “Vibrant Life of Learning”.

Table Tennis Reflection #1

LO2 Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

I have always been very eager to try something new. I relish the process of developing new skills, because in those moments I make my own life more interesting and engaging. Table tennis was an activity that was on the top of my to-do or to-try list, so when I finally had the opportunity of joining the UWC activity I was thrilled and full of invigorating anticipation. Even though I was relieved that most of my peers were also only beginners, the interaction between us wasn’t as fluid at first, forcing me to step-out of my cloud of comfort and fully engage in the game. These steps, as well as many others across the CAS programme, contributed to making me a more socially open person.

I won’t lie, my first few practice games were a complete disaster. My reaction was slurred and my hand kept over-shooting/over throwing the ping pong ball. Yet, as I have learned from my previous experiences in Opera Singing, and in Rainforest Restoration – failure is the brother of success. This wasn’t a world championship or some grand final. Every game was just an opportunity to become better. Once again I realized, that if I move past the constant process of self-judgement, I will be able to gain more focus and enjoyment from what I do. Hence, failing became an experience that boosted my adrenaline and stimulated me to improve.

By adopting this positive mindset, I managed to make quite impressive progress in Season 1. No longer was I nervous and agitated. Instead, a sense of ease and focus ran through my body, making table tennis an extremely enjoyable learning pathway. Despite the difficulties and failures in the beginning, I am able to say that this activity has been one of the brightest highlights in the new year. What I found interesting however, was that this steep learning curve was the most memorable and vibrant of all recollections. This is because for me, the process of overcoming my weaknesses and striving towards improvement, and, well, victory, is what defines the moment of growth. When I reach my goals, I always want to go further, and climb higher almost immediately, since achievements are only a milestone. The path itself, is why I enjoy table tennis.

As I progress further, I am look forward to setting myself new targets, like specific attack or defense techniques and possibly even different playing styles. Playing table tennis isn’t necessarily a skill that I will need for my future, but I choose to do it, because it makes my life a wider, richer range of kaleidoscope colors. The kaleidoscope colors of learning.


Interim Reflective Conversation (RC2)

After speaking with my supervisor, I realized that my EE had a lot of areas for improvement. The main issue with my analysis was the lack of research to substantiate the claims I made about the negative effect of the Note 7 on Samsung’s brand image. Furthermore, the essay was over 7000 words, having subsections that weren’t relevant to my RQ, as well as overly long paragraphs. This resulted in a lack of clarity, preciseness, and development of a meaningful narrative. After evaluating my work, I learned that it is crucial to employ chains of analysis in my writing, in order to present a deep and probing discussion. My next steps are to find more information on market share and consumer perception regarding the Galaxy Note 7, Galaxy S8, and other smartphone competitors. In addition, I also need to present data more succinctly, by producing tables and pie charts. This will ensure that my argument is concise and precise.

(156 words)


Post-Project Week Reflection

LO 2 Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

LO 5 Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

LO 6 Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

LO 7 Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Link to Reflection below:


EE Day Reflection

Today, was a very valuable day for me because I gained a better understanding of the Business EE. The main point I will take from today is the knowledge I acquired by attending the Business/Economics Research session. I learned that my sources for the Business EE have to be as varied as possible: not just websites, but also textbooks, multimedia resources, magazines, etc. I also realized that I have to accurately evaluate the credibility of the websites I use, since failure to do so, might compromise the credibility of my essay. This is something I have to keep in mind as I progress with my research. But more importantly, today, I actually started writing my Extended Essay! I felt a warm sense of accomplishment when I wrote my Introduction and almost completed a rough draft of my methodology table. This lighted me with a positive mood to continue on my EE writing journey! My next step is to finish up my methodology table and start on my main body paragraph so that I can gradually start immersing myself into writing the main content of my Extended Essay.



-Adopt the rule of thirds

-Stay away from cliches

-Only take a picture when you need to, to prevent a clutter of images post-project week process

-Make sure to ask for permission before you take a photo of anyone

-Clear pointless images every day, to prevent difficulties during the media compiling process

Reflective Conversation 1

For my Business Management EE, I chose to write about the effect of the Galaxy S8 on Samsung’s market share in the US. Originally, my topic was McDonald’s healthy product line – the impact of ETHICS on their STRATEGY. However, after conducting more research I realized that most of the products I wanted to analyze were older than 5 years. This was a challenge I encountered, however, I managed to change my topic to the effect of the innovative Samsung S8 (INNOVATION + STRATEGY) because of my strong interest in the smartphone industry.

This discussion was very valuable as it gave me a better understanding of the direction of my EE. One of the most important points my supervisor mentioned was the filtering process for the relevance of analytical tools. I was successful at finding data for my EE plan, but now I need to narrow down some of the theoretical concepts, like the 4 Marketing Ps, in order to demonstrate a thorough analysis.

(160 words)


LO 2 Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

For the past two months, I have been building on the Opera singing skills I have acquired from previous practice as well as introducing a new composition to my repertoire. This one, is a Russian folklore song – “My love lives…”.

With all the weekly practice I had, it seemed that this song would come more easily to me, due to the skills I had acquired, however, it turned out to be a lot more challenging than I anticipated. Having already accustomed to a deeper tone of singing when performing “O cessate di piagarmi” it was difficult to adapt to a “higher” and “lighter” way of vocal performance. The different ways and interpretations of singing really explore and develop my creativity – the ability to add your own feelings and emotions to a composition/song, making it a little unique.

Therefore, it took a lot of effort which consisted mainly of voice positioning and practice to get, more or less, the right sound. However, even know, there are still shortcomings which I’m working on. This process became quite time-consuming, and this is where my ability to persevere helped me acquire skills for this specific composition.

So far, this has been an incredible learning process for me, and I feel that my vocal skills have vastly improved, compared to the beginning of the year. And no matter what difficulties arise, I always remind myself, that learning how to sing Opera is a lengthy and highly complex journey and that I shouldn’t expect to see “astonishing” results at the end of every week. Yet, as I went further with my lessons, I noticed that really cherish the “growth”, “the development”, because singing invigorates me and lights me with a positive attitude to go forward in every area of study.