Asian Children’s Education – Reflection 3 #LO7

As mentioned in my previous reflections, as the Vice-Chair of this Global Concern, I had to take initiative to ensure consistent revenue for sustainable growth and ensuring that we will be able to meet our aims for 2020-21, regardless of the tough situation at hand. Thus, as a group, we decided to devise a product idea that not only related closely to our mission but also allowed us to raise enough funds to continue sponsoring and aiding the work of Jaago. We thought of selling Laptop Covers, as, at UWCSEA, around 300 students purchase a computer for the upcoming year.

It was of the utmost importance for us to pitch our idea to both SEC, the sustainable enterprise consultants, and SL2, an external organisation we chose that could aid us in the production process.

Before selling our product, we needed to consider the sustainable and ethical implications of the production and distribution of the product. The materials we use, the places we source the materials from, the recycling capabilities of our product, etc. We had underlying pressure to find a consistent revenue stream, which definitely influenced and fast-tracked this idea, and thus, my base decision making was biased or influenced. At times, I was in slight conflict with the Chair of the GC, as we had different views on the production and implementation of the product, even though both of us recognised that this needed to be fast-tracked. To resolve the conflict, we simply built up an agreed-upon timeline that we would follow.

Link to our Planning Document:

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