Culturama 2019 CAS Reflection (Lo1)

This year I went out of my comfort zone and joined Culturama. Other than dancing in musicals, I have only ever been involved in Kahaani which is a dance showcase of only Indian dance and there is no audition required. The process of auditioning was a nerve wracking experience and even after getting into the dance for Culturama Greece, I found that I had a hard time picking up choreography. Through this process I think an area of personal growth that I was able to work on was being patient. The choreography did not come to me naturally so I had to be patient with myself and not get too frustrated and give up. As a group of dancers we all had to be patient with each other at times because we all have different skill levels when it comes to dance. My friends were thankfully patient with me when I was having a hard time picking up dance moves and I also grew in being more patient with others when my fellow dancers were having difficulty with the dance. In the future I will work on being a more patient person, as I find that it I often get frustrated and then discouraged when I can’t do something on my first few tries. Being more patient with myself and others opens new avenues and helps me to improve my skills in whatever I may be doing at the time. A strength that I did display in this process was my perseverance in working hard to learn the dance. It was often difficult to find the motivation to practice, especially as I was involved in the G12 production at the same time and had to juggle both responsibilities. However I was able to persevere and I practiced the dance at home and often at lunchtimes with my friends.

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One thought on “Culturama 2019 CAS Reflection (Lo1)

  1. It’s interesting to hear how the higher pace, formal, audition-based event felt so different to you, but it makes sense hering it from your point of view. I think recognizing that your own voice can speak differently to yourself than others is a big realization.

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