PSE response

What I’ve learnt and how might this relate to me?

During this block of PSE, I have learnt a lot not only about my personal identity but also about my emotional intelligence.  I’ve learnt that there are in fact ideal personality types and in class, we manage to come up with a list of them, Conscientiousness, Adjustment, Ambiguity/Acceptance, Curiosity, Risk, Approach, Competitiveness. I identify with a few of them, for example, conscientiousness, Acceptance, Curiosity and competitiveness. I feel that I could do better at Adjustment and getting to fit in better with new things and risk, such as trying new things and not being afraid to change. In PSE, we spent a lot of time talking about emotional intelligence and how that actually affects our future more than we might think. In some cases, people with who have lower IQ than others are more likely to be accepted into a university, or a job because they have a higher emotional intelligence.

This relates to me as I can now use my knowledge and try to improve my emotional intelligence as not only is it better for me in the future, it is also better for me now because it affects the people around me. I feel like knowing about my personal identity has helped me rationalise any decision I make and lets me know my influences behind the thought process I have whenever I try to do something. Using this knowledge, I know that I can make my experience at school even better because knowing about this impacts the way I look at things and causes me to think more about what I’m doing and why I’m doing it.

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