Photography activity LO2

This activity has been great for me, as I learnt new ways to take pictures, now I have a better understanding of the camera and I also learnt new ways to see the world when taking pictures.

Over the break I travelled and I got a chance to apply all the skills that I learnt in the activity. I had until now four sessions and now I got a good understanding of the camera. Even though, I don’t have a DLSR camera that I can use to apply the skills that I learnt I can do some things with the camera that I got. I think this is a great opportunity for me to learn how to use the camera that I have to it’s full potential.

I also got to apply the skill that I learnt in the activity in my film class, whenever I’m recording a scene for a project now I have a better understanding of lighting and what are the best settings for my camera when I need to take a certain shot.

Here are some of the pictures I’ve taken over the holiday applying some of the skills I learnt.




New Activity

When I was signing up the the activities and services, one of my options for the creativity area was to join the Photography club. However, I wasn’t accepted at first, then I decided to email the teacher in charge of the club and asked if it would be possible to join them.

Photography is one of my favourite hobbies and I believe that I’m good at it. However, whenever i’m using my camera I use the automatic mode because I don’t know how to use the manual one, so for me this activity would be a great experience and would allow me to improve my skills.

The teacher in charge of the activity said that it would be no problem for me to join it, but I would have to use my own camera, and for me this is not an issue. Down is a picture of my choices calendar.


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