Writers Fortnight – Saved From a Flood

The third talk I attended as meant to be by a rock climber but he didn’t make an appearance so we had Dr Sweeting (an English teacher in our school) talk to us about his experience where he got rescued from a fatal natural disaster. He and his old friend Tom had gone on a trip to Myanmar. Tom was a very impulsive adventurous type who was also extremely charming so things usually went his way which is why Dr Sweeting agreed to go up near a refugee camp for the Rohingya people on an 18 hour bus ride for Tom to meet the refugees and interview people as in that village lived two people who were the last speakers of a specific language and they were around 80 so the language was going to be dead soon. At this point, I was questioning Dr Sweeting’s trust in his friend as it seemed that he blindly followed his friend. Heavy rain began to fall and a flood started to make its appearance but Dr Sweeting still followed his friend to interview these two speakers. It eventually got so bad that it was declared a crisis by the President of Myanmar and Dr Sweeting and Tom had just barely managed to catch the bus back to the city and it was a very rocky and dangerous journey where he was sure that he was going to die. He eventually made it back home and made a promise to himself to never embark on a journey like that again which could risk his life in such a way. I asked him if he thought it was a good idea to have such blind trust in someone and he responded by saying that he didn’t think that anyone should have that much trust in anything or anyone. He had followed Tom as he’d known him for 15 years and things generally always worked out with Tom. I thought that this was a very interesting talk on risk-taking journeys and the amount of trust you should have in someone. Overall I thoroughly enjoyed this talk as I liked the aspect of danger and panic that the story contained.

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