
Soul is a short book I wrote for an assignment for English and Digital perspectives. The book is a collection of vignettes I wrote about my life, the format took inspiration off of Sandra Cisneros’ book “The House On Mango Street” which is written in vignette form too. The link to the book is below:

Why media is not a new idea

Media or mass communication is an idea that has been around for centuries, whether it’s through books or letters, media has always had an influence on society. There are many historical passages that show that mass media has previously existed, one example of this is the bible as it is probably one of (if not the most) spread piece of text ever, which was passed on through books and people spreading awareness. Media is sometimes misinterpreted as being a recent idea that came as the internet was created, this statement is not far off from the truth. No, the internet didn’t create media but it did change the way media can be distributed as books or fax didn’t need to be used anymore as it all is online and that people didn’t need to wait for the information to come to them as it was already there as soon as it is put up. This was the start of a new era in media, Digital Media.