What are you learning about analyzing visual texts?

This unit we have been looking at political satire and cartoons aimed at various different audiences. These cartoons are typically used as a medium where the artist conveys a message.

I have explored into how to look into detail and see past what meets the eye; possible implicit messages within the image and how layered cartoons really are. I also learned of the importance of links within a text, allusions to other pieces, and background information.

Aside from analysis of the meaning of a cartoon, and the composition of the piece, signature styles, color, ways people are drawn etc.

what does your text suggest about the relationship between language power and identity?

“the whole aim of Newspeak is the narrow the range of thought” page 52, book: 1984

In this quote, all language, power and identity have a connection with one another. Language is connected with identity in this since, if one does not have the language to fully express themselves they therefore can not think it either, this creates a “narrow range of thought” which is “the whole aim of newspeak”. Also, since one’s range of thought is the same as everyone else’s then the sense of individuality is abolished because, you will only be able to think as much as the person next to you so there wont be any space/ ability in Newspeak for you to be able to be yourself. This shows that the power of language is immense as it can generate individuality and freedom on one hand and be the source of oppression and collectivism on the other.

ATL reflection

My first approach to learning (ATL) that I will be reflecting on is communication, being: “When I read, I am thinking and making connections”

When reading the fist part of the book 1984 by George Orwell, I had made some connections to other books that Orwell has written “Animal farm” in that it resides around the concept of leadership/governing bodies, and that he uses elements which seemed alien to me at first but I slowly realize that this is very possible and is happening in the world today, and probably will happen in the future. This was the only major connection that I initially made when reading, despite me going into depth with it sometimes I forget to make other connections beside that, so rather than constantly making connections I make 3 or 4.