My UWCSEA Learning Journey

My Portfolio

HS Art Studio, Pottery (LO3)

Through this experience, I have been able to create and execute my own plan over the span of a few weeks. I essentially planned what I wanted to create and then spent the following lessons going through and trying to stick to my plan. I think that the planning allowed me to work efficiently and…

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SustainaBrew (LO6)

[LO6] Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance After completing the service, I have learnt a lot more about the issue. Although we initially learnt about sustainable transportation and packaging of ingredients, it has actually allowed me to make an impact on my own life. I believe my actions during the service had a positive…

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HS Art Studio, Pottery (LO5)

[LO5] Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively. I think that pottery is an art that it generally very individual. Therefore, I assumed that there is a lack of teamwork or collaboration. However, though lessons, I was able to notice the collaborative nature of the arts. For instance, I learnt that when…

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HS Boys Basketball 19&U (LO2)

[LO2] Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process One challenge has been more physical because I am playing with people who I can admit are at a higher level. Although I feel like I can compete and I improve through playing with them, it can be challenging at times to…

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[CAS Project] Demonstration [LO1]

Overall, through this CAS experience/project, I have been able to work with a group of students to develop their skill and even further their passion for playing volleyball. The experience was very rewarding as we could see progress, especially in the second season. We were able to notice gradual changes in not only skill but…

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[CAS Project] Action & Reflection [LO4] [LO5]

After the planning and preparation phase, we began to put our plans in place as we set up the first and second session. Through these sessions, we were able to see that not only had our planning helped but that there are changes to be made. In fact, we were able to quickly realise that…

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Demonstration (LO1)

Overall, through this CAS experience/project, I have been able to work with a group of students to develop their skill and even further their passion for playing volleyball. The experience was very rewarding as we could see progress, especially in the second season. We were able to notice gradual changes in not only skill but…

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Action & Reflection (LO4, LO5)

After the planning and preparation phase, we began to put our plans in place as we set up the first and second session. Through these sessions, we were able to see that not only had our planning helped but that there are changes to be made. In fact, we were able to quickly realise that…

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[CAS Project] Investigation & Preparation [LO3]

Initially, at the beginning of the year, training and coaching MS students for volleyball was not an activity. However, after discussions with the activities department, we were able to deduce that it may be beneficial for the students. As a result, we came to the MS pre-season training and spent the first week observing and…

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Sustainabrew Reflection (LO7)

[LO7] Recognise and consider the ethical implications of choices and actions Considering that Sustainabrew involves the usage of sustainable ingredients, it was obvious that our decision making involved ethical considerations. I believe that throughout the service as we learnt more about the way we not only produce, but also transport and package certain ingredients, I…

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