My UWCSEA Learning Journey

My Portfolio

Sustainabrew Reflection 1 (LO6)

[LO6] Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance In Sustainabrew, a key issue that we focus on is using healthy and sustainable methods to make drinks. Our mission is to make and promote healthy options for beverages that are also made of sustainable ingredients with minimal packaging. Although I had some prior knowledge, this service helped…

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HS Boys Volleyball 19&U Group 1 (LO5)

[LO5] Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively Throughout the season I mainly collaborated with other teammates as well as coaches in order to plan lessons but also work together for instance I communicated with the coaches in order to see what we could do this year in order to have an…

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HS Boys Volleyball 19&U Group 1 (LO4)

[LO4] Show commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences One way that I showed perseverance was by balancing my academic and extracurricular lives. I think it was occasionally hard to balance the workload of IB and have to go to practices simultaneously. It was tempting to stay home and study for tests or complete upcoming assignments…

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MS Volleyball Assistant Coaching (LO3)

[LO3]Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience In the activity, we support the middle school boys volleyball team and we often take initiative to plan out sessions in advance. For instance, we assessed them at the beginning and accordingly created a plan for the next two sessions that we felt, from our experience,…

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HS Boys Volleyball 19&U Group 1 (LO1, LO2)

[LO1] Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth Since last year I really started to develop a passion for volleyball and started playing further than just for leisure and fun. I think since then a lot more areas of growth have come up and just in the first few sessions it was easy to identify…

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HS Boys Basketball 19&U (LO1)

[LO1] Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth I have been playing basketball for several years but I still think there is a myriad of areas for growth and in fact, as I play more I actually discover more and more areas for development. For example, there are communication issues during plays. For instance, during…

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Sustainabrew Reflection 1 (LO1)

[LO1] Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth One area for development I have is communication and leadership. We work in groups and I feel that it is a great opportunity to develop my leadership skills. So far in the lessons, I have attended, I was able to reflect and I noticed that I was…

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HS Pottery Reflection (LO1)

[LO1] Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth One strength I believe I have is the ability to learn quickly and follow instructions. For example, I was able to follow the instructions we were initially provided to create a pinch pot. However, since I have not done this much before, one area for development…

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Sustainabrew Reflection (LO2)

[LO2] Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process I think the greatest challenge has been the lack of experience and knowledge about the service in addition to working with others. Starting a new service and learning so much about it was interesting but challenging because I had no ideas about…

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